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“Ethical Leadership Podcasting: Engaging Dialogue with the Thomas More Community” Presented by Anthony Schumacher, Ph.D.

Awarded a President’s Faculty Innovation Grant as a faculty-driven research/project. Schumacher’s research involves the incorporation of a practitioner interview into an online course. He interviewed…

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Study Abroad to Experience the World

Study Abroad to Experience the World

Experiencing Scotland  GRACE KAHMANN ’20, BIOLOGY-SECONDARY EDUCATION MAJOR  My first study abroad experience, as well as my first time out of the country, was in…

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Challenges in Higher Education: The Case for Accreditation

Challenges in Higher Education: The Case for Accreditation

In the United States, we invest significant financial resources in colleges and universities. Students, families, policymakers, and employers want assurance that colleges and universities deliver…

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Experiences in Service to Others

Experiences in Service to Others

Jamaica Service Learning Project – Brad McClain ’20, Psychology Major/Sociology Minor Thomas More is a growing institution with a long tradition of service. Its mission is…

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Water Quality Research Expands at the Biology Field Station

Water Quality Research Expands at the Biology Field Station

Now, more than ever, the Biology Field Station plays a critical role in the assessment and monitoring of the Ohio River, including the protection of…

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2018 Homecoming Celebration!

2018 Homecoming Celebration!

Thursday 10/11 | 6 p.m. U(topia)-Fest: Block Party Community block party on TMC’s Crestview Hills campus, complete with food trucks and live entertainment. Plan to…

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A History of the Thomas More College Campus

A History of the Thomas More College Campus

The new campus for the former Villa Madonna College in downtown Covington was many years in the making, more years than probably anyone ever imagined…

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A Last Salute to Thomas More College

A Last Salute to Thomas More College

Friends, What a blessing the past five years have been! Of all the letters I have written as President of Thomas More College, none has felt as…

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Thomas More College Participates in VITA Program 2018

Thomas More College Participates in VITA Program 2018

TMC accountancy majors once again participated in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) in Over-the-Rhine in Cincinnati, Ohio. This year marks the 37th year…

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2017 Alumni Awards

2017 Alumni Awards

On Saturday, September 30, the TMC Alumni Association honored five distinguished alumni and one faculty member, who were nominated by their peers in the categories…

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Homecoming 2017

Homecoming 2017

Homecoming 2017 arrived as a beautiful Saturday in late September. The Saints football team took on the Westminster Titans with a noon kickoff. Alumni started arriving…

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Thomas More College Convocation 2017

Thomas More College Convocation 2017

Saturday, August 19, marked the official start of the academic year and beginning of Weeks of Welcome on the Thomas More College Crestview Hills campus….

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