2015 TMC Commencement
The Thomas More College Class of 2015 celebrated Commencement on Saturday, May 16. Graduates, family, and friends were greeted by an overcast, muggy day as Baccalaureate Mass began at 10:30 a.m., celebrated by the Reverend Gerald E. Twaddell with Concelebrant Reverend Ronald M. Ketteler. The procession of graduating students into Connor Convocation Center began at 12:30 p.m. to the sounds of the Thomas More College brass ensemble. As everyone took their places Fr. Twaddell opened the ceremony. Ms. Ashton Crawford, recipient of the Presidential Service Award, delivered the Invocation. Dr. Chris Lorentz and Mr. Tim Moore received Outstanding Full-Time and Part-Time Teacher Awards. Commencement speeches were delivered by graduating award-winning students: Ms. Kara Bridges, Mr. Matt McGuire, and Mr. Michael Stephens. After the Conferral of Degrees, congratulations was offered by Board of Trustees Chairperson Melissa Lueke and all those in attendance were invited to the Saints Center for a President’s Champaign Toast. Congratulations graduates! TMC faculty and staff wish you all the best as you find your place and transform the world.
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