2022 Campus and Student News

The Art of the Interview

The Art of the Interview
Winners of the interview contest: Zoie Barth, Victoria Raque, and Autumn Frank with contest sponsor Rich Lindhorst ’75.

The Republic Bank Foundation Institute for Career Development and Graduate School Planning held the annual Mock Interview Competition in October 2021. This event provided students with an opportunity to gain valuable experience and skills for professional interviewing. The competition is sponsored by alum Rich Lindhorst ’75, who awards financial compensation for the top three participants in this juried competition.

Sixty-three students applied to participate with 26 students accepted. Twenty-three competed in round one and based on those interviews nine students were selected to compete in round two. Those selected included: Noah Pflum, Victoria Raque, Katelyn Weldon, Troy Messerschmitt, Abby Hightchew, Kennedy Yurt, Autumn Frank, Zoie Barth, and Michael Logan. The top three students took home the cash prizes:

1st Place – Victoria Raque: Senior Accountancy Major

2nd Place – Autumn Frank: Junior Communication Major

3rd Place – Zoie Barth: Junior Biology Major

Congratulations to all the students who participated!

Into the Urban Fabric II: The City as Spectacle

Into the Urban Fabric II: The City as Spectacle
Students from Dr. Spence’s Urban Studies class field trip explore the Ohio riverfront and interact with “the city as spectacle.”

Students in the Urban Studies class with Professor J.T. Spence, Ph.D., AICP, explored the city as an urban cultural spectacle with a “Flaneur’s” walk along the Ohio River. Following a reading of Deborah Stevenson’s “City as Spectacle,” students interacted with the dynamic environment of the urban riverfront, which over the past 75 years has been transformed and enlivened by the impact of multiple cultural and commercial developments, and has become a regional magnet for tourism, the arts, and entertainment. In addition to seeing the spectacular changes that have taken place on both sides of the river and how the three cities of Cincinnati, Covington, and Newport have rediscovered their connection with the Ohio River, students were also able to consider questions of what constitutes public and private space and how that speaks to issues of equity in society.

30th Annual Caden Blincoe “Inside” Outloud Festival

30th Annual Caden Blincoe “Inside” Outloud Festival

There was a new twist on this inspiring literary festival this year as the Outloud Festival was held virtually on Feb. 20. Thomas More writers shared their original literature and offered “inside” reflections about the transformative power of reading and writing in the region. Talented student writers who participated in this historical literary occasion included Margaret Dredger, Sammie Kleier, Alyssa Dowdell, Annabel Clayton, Risa Guarasci, and Anissa Bradley. Thank you to Thomas More’s own Creative Writing Vision Director Sherry Cook Stanforth, Ph.D., for continuing this tradition of storytelling that was founded by the late Caden Blincoe, a devoted Boone County, Kentucky Enquirer reporter and literacy advocate. To read the press release, visit tmuky.us/22outloudrelease. To watch the 2022 Festival, visit tmuky.us/22outloud.

Emerging Artist 2022 Plus Two Thomas More Artists Receive Outside Scholarships

Art and criminal justice major Kennedy Yurt had artwork juried into the prestigious 2022 Summerfair Emerging Artist Exhibition held at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. Kennedy’s work was exhibited alongside other local college and university student artwork. In a separate contest, Kennedy and Elizabeth Butler were chosen by the Three Arts Scholarship Fund, Inc. to receive awards. The organization grants scholarships to female undergraduate juniors/seniors and master’s degree candidates majoring in the performing and visual arts at accredited colleges and universities within a 75-mile radius of Cincinnati, Ohio. Elizabeth is a 2021 Summerfair Emerging Artist, having pieces juried into the exhibition in spring 2021.

Psychology Research

Professor Caitlin Powell, Ph.D., reports that four psychology students (two current, two recent graduates) were accepted to large psychology research conferences in 2022. John Butler ’21 co-presented with Powell at the annual meeting for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in February. Their research was about burnout and moral distress among physicians during COVID-19.

In addition, three students presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association: Hannah Abshire ’21 and Kevin Pollard ’22 (sponsored by Powell) presented their research on internet cancel culture, and Garrett Vallandingham ’22 (sponsored by Whitney Pugh, Ph.D.) presented research on the impact of sleep deprivation on zebrafish. Additional students were taken to the annual Mid-American Undergraduate Research Conference in Earlham College in April. Congratulations to these outstanding student researchers.

Thomas More Represents at the Ohio Valley Model Arab League

Thomas More Represents at the Ohio Valley Model Arab League
Students who participated in the Ohio Valley Model Arab League included Houston Watson, Eva Niyokwizera, Sophia Hermosilla, and Jake Perkins.

Professor J.T. Spence, Ph.D., AICP, reports that four students representing the political science, international studies, law, and history programs attended the Ohio Valley Model Arab League held at Shawnee State University in February. This is the ninth time in the past 12 years that Thomas More sent students to participate in this event, which is similar to a United Nations for students. The students who participated include (from left): Houston Watson – political science/history major and president of the Political Science Club, Eva Niyokwizera – law major, Sophia Hermosilla – international studies major, and Jake Perkins – political science major and president of the Student Government Association.

Three political science students, graduating seniors Logan Fedders and Tiffany Snider, and sophomore Houston Watson, also had presentation proposals accepted for the 2022 Kentucky Political Science Association Annual Conference held in March at the University of Kentucky.

Words Recognition

Congratulations to the following talented students, whose art and writing was juried by professionals and awarded the following recognition at the Words Celebration in April 2022:

Sandra L. Cuni Award: “The Weatherman” by Alyssa Dowdell (prose)

Appalachia Award in Poetry:  “Things You Cannot Unsee” by Alyssa Dowdell

Appalachia Award in Prose: “A Girl’s First Execution” by Hannah Langdon

RUCA Award: “There’s No Need for Notes” by Logan Rauen (prose) and “Floating Rocks” by Skylee Roland (poem) 

Honorable Mentions: “Check Marks” by Erin Preston (prose) and “How I Learned That Country Songs Are All About Saying Goodbye” by Alyssa Dowdell (poem) 

The Art Department Choice Award : “Lady Macbeth” by Elizabeth Butler (digital art)

Cover Art Selection: “I’m not crying” by Kennedy Yurt (acrylic and oil paint)

Cover Design: Juliette Duke

To receive a copy of the 2022 Words literary magazine, please call 859-344-3344 or email [email protected].