2019 Senior Awards
On Friday evening, May 17, the 2019 Senior Awards were held in Mary, Seat of Wisdom Chapel to recognize outstanding students in the graduating class. The following awards were presented:
Provost’s Awards of Excellence for projects presented at the 2019 Student Research Forum
Caitlin Robinson – History
Bradford McLain – Psychology
Eric Dobias – Chemistry
College of Business
Outstanding Graduate Student of 2019 Award: Theresa Cullen
Outstanding TAP Student of 2019 Award: Aaron Stenger
Wall Street Journal Award: Luke Zajac
Outstanding Sports & Entertainment Marketing Student of 2019 Award: Jenna Fessler
The Luca Pacioli Outstanding Accountancy Senior Award: Adam Thomas Lang
The Gilday Family Experiential Learning Award: Christopher Gabriel Odongo
Most Outstanding Senior in Computer Information Systems Award: Wyatt Plummer
Most Outstanding Senior in Management Information Systems Award: Jeff Paulin
College of Education and Health Sciences
Education Awards: Jenna Willett, Taylor Anne Walz, David Thompson, Sofie Vietas, Irene Whitaker
Newly pinned BSN students: Brianna Appel, Samantha Barlow, Emily M. Barnes, Tori Blevins, Alexis Bosley, Allison Broderick, Erin Davis (Pat Gieske Outstanding Senior Award), Gabrielle Doll, Jayson Essell, Hannah Morehead, Amanda Ozolins, Sarah Ruiz , Kelly Simpson, Malia Smith, Tracy Sturdivant
Outstanding Nursing Student: Erin K. Davis
College of Arts and Sciences
Biology Outstanding Service: Candice Cummings, Kasey Niesen, Kathleen Geiger, Morgan Frey
Biology Academic Excellence: Nicholas Jenkins
Biology Outstanding Research: Victoria Orchelle, Whitney Hinton
Biology Academic Excellence and Research: Chelsea Wendling, Emilee Urichich, Kevin Root, Nicholas Callahan
Biology Academic Excellence, Service, and Research: Katherine Laine, Maryann Meadows, Morgan Bahnsen, Sarah Schuler, Tiffany Brooks
Outstanding Seniors Chemistry: Blaise Ostertag, Eric Dobias, Thomas Payne
Creative and Performing Arts Outstanding Seniors: Claire Cerimele, Christiane Powers
Creative and Performing Arts Senior Emerging Artist: Joseph Schmitz
English Outstanding Seniors: Brook Batch, Rachel C. Whitehill
English Sigma Tau Delta: Gillian Casey, Maryann Meadows
English Appalachia Award for Poetry: Jeni Lynn Hall
Study Abroad Participation: Abigail Jones, Ben Noonan, Brittaney Gibson, Caitlin Robinson, Christian Gil, Chryssie Oakley, Emily Bakes, Ian Bonar, James Morris, Jolynn Morrow, Karly Lehmkuhl, Katlyn Fischer, Madison Light, Madison McLaughlin, Morgan Bahnsen, Morgan Frey, Rachel Foster, Rachel Higgins, Rachel Whitehill, Sarah Steelman, Shelby Sherrill, Sofie Vietas, Tamara Young, Tatum Davis, Taylor Budde, Eric Dobias
Foreign Language Outstanding Students in French: Christian Gil, Rachel Whitehill
History, International Studies, Political Science
Sister Mary Albert Murphy, SND Award: Caitlin Robinson, Madison Light
Sr. Mary Philip Trauth, SND Award: Jeni Hall
History Phi Alpha Theta: Joseph Schneider, Rachel Higgins
Political Science Pi Sigma Alpha: Madison McLaughlin, Noah Galvin
Nancy Bruns Award and Sister Mary Albert Murphy, SND Award: Rachel Whitehill
Sr. Mary Philip Trauth, SND Award and Rev. Anthony Deye Award for Civic Engagement: Taylor Budde
William T. Robinson III Recognition Award (Institute for Religious Liberty): Madison Light
Mathematics Outstanding Seniors: David Thompson, Matthew Shaw
Physics Outstanding Senior: Matthew Shaw
Psychology Outstanding Seniors: Alyssa Miller, Austin Knox, Bradford McClain, Dayne Merkley, Haley Carberry, Kendal Emerson
Sociology and Criminal Justice Outstanding Seniors: Jamie M. Lohr
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