Career Forum 2020 – History Alums Speak Out
Every few years the History Department has selected alumni from varied backgrounds to meet with the junior and senior history majors to share information about their respective career paths. For a combination of reasons, it seemed to be most sensible to have only one of these events every other year with a panel of five-to-six alumnae/alumni, one from each of a series of backgrounds: graduate school, law school, librarian/archivist, and a multitude of business-related positions. Generally, the evening was well received and even on occasion, a student would follow up with one of the speakers and/or an internship might develop because of something shared that evening.
This past fall, in the middle of the COVID-19 environment, the department agreed with Department Chair Jodie Mader’s idea to have three such events – one per month in September, October, and November. Each event would have a different focus with five-to-six panelists and coordinated/moderated by a different pair of departmental faculty. September featured students in graduate level programs (or recently graduated) in history, library science, or public history. October focused on the law, from recent graduates to an early retiree, each with a different area of focus. November featured alums in the business world who may have had a different trajectory after graduation, with or without an advanced degree.
We are deeply indebted to each of the panelists who shared their time with our current students. All three events were well received and the faculty agree that the Zoom format could again be used for the next Career Forums with an entirely different set of panelists. We invite any of you reading this article to call if you would be willing to participate. The panelists for each event are listed to the right and articles by three different panelists (highlighted in blue) share basic details of how that panelist ended up in the work environment they are in now. Each has indicated a willingness to be called for details if there are any questions and can be reached by calling Department Chair Jodie Mader at 859.344.3381.
Event 1 (Sept. 16, 2020) – Graduate School panelists
Caitlin Robinson Borst ’19 (graduate student University of Cincinnati)
Greg Warner ’17 (John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family)
Johnny Bergman ’10 (Western Kentucky University)
Madison Light ’19 (Northern Kentucky University) CLICK HERE for article
Eric Robinson ’11 (graduate University of Cincinnati | Thomas More dual credit professor)
Clayton Conder ’18 (University of St. Andrews)
Event 2 (Oct. 14, 2020) – Law School/Legal Studies panelists
Noah Welte ’05 (2009 graduate NKU Chase College of Law | Thomas More University director of legal affairs and auxiliary services)
Donna Bloemer ’91 (Graduated from Chase College of Law | Solo practitioner as Donna M. Bloemer Attorney at Law)
Joe Shriver ’94 (2003 graduate Chase Law School | Kenton County administrator)
Gabrielle Hils ’81 (1984 graduate University of Kentucky Law School | Dinsmore & Shohl LLP retired counsel)
Richard Spoor ’11 (2014 graduate William and Mary Law School | Keating, Muething and Klekamp associate attorney
Event 3 (Nov. 11, 2020) – Business panelists
Maria Heim ’10 (2013 graduate George Mason University | IRS management and program analyst) CLICK HERE for article
Courtney Neltner Kleier ’16 (2018 graduate University of Kentucky | Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce public affairs manager)
AJ Schaeffer ’96 (1999 graduate University of Kentucky Law School | Foxhole Equity LLC co-founder and managing partner
Paul Kleier ’16 (2018 graduate University of Kentucky Martin School of Public Policy and Administration | City of Blue Ash [Ohio] community development assistant
Kelsey Hinken Otten ’14 (2018 graduate Western Kentucky University | Vitalyst Health Foundation project management associate) CLICK HERE for article
Kaylan Hart ’14 (2016 graduate University of Cincinnati | Cowan’s Auctions, a Hindman Company)
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