Classroom Named for Class of ’65
The Class of 1965 celebrated its fiftieth reunion during Homecoming Weekend on September 18 and 19, 2015. As part of their Graduation Anniversary, the class held a year-long challenge to collect contributions in order to leave a “thank you gift” back to the College. Thirty percent of the class responded with a donation, and the funds collected were sufficient to permanently name a classroom honoring the Class of 1965.
This gift of appreciation, while continuing to “give back” for the quality education they received 50 years ago, will serve as a very visible reminder to current students of the ongoing support from alumni.

Pictured are five of the seven Class of 1965 reunion committee members along with the newly installed classroom plaque: Bill Van Lokeren (from left), Marie (Brue) Shields, Lou Esselman, Mick Goldberg, and Tony Zembrodt. Committee members not pictured are Jim Stautberg and Marlene (Geiman) Robinson.
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