Governor’s School for Entrepreneurs kicks off the opening of the Academic Center
David Klenk ’22/’24, Graduate Assistant Communications | Photos provided
This past summer, I was fortunate enough to be a part of the visual storyteller team for the Governor’s School for Entrepreneurs (GSE) Summer Startup program which took place on the Thomas More campus. Two people made up this team which oversaw the entire program and were responsible for capturing the energy of the eager-eyed high school students who came in from across the Commonwealth on a journey to become the successful entrepreneurial leaders of tomorrow. The Summer Start-up program gave the participants the opportunity to learn how to work together as a team to solve a problem the world faces.

This was the first time that the University was a host for a Governor’s School/Scholars program, and it was also the first event to utilize the new Academic Center. The Center had a dynamic way of allowing students to immerse themselves in their work fully. The young entrepreneurs (referred to as Es while in the program) were in awe of the sleek and innovative spaces that they called home for the three weeks of the program. On move-in day, so many were excited to have their first taste of the college experience as they moved into Murphy Hall and met their resident assistants (RAs). The RAs were seasoned Thomas More students and were equally excited to meet the newcomers.

Each day started in the Saints Center where the dining staff served meals after which everyone walked over to the Academic Center for a morning kickstart in the Ziegler Auditorium. These sessions entailed a variety of lectures focused on entrepreneurship, and team-building exercises to help equip the groups with the necessary tools for success. Speakers included Thomas More’s very own Jeni Al Bahrani ’05 as she discussed the importance of networking tools such as LinkedIn and how to create comprehensive profiles that highlight the strengths of each person. The Es also heard from some of the Tri-state’s finest rising and established entrepreneurs in the new Auditorium space where state-of-the-art technology allowed the speakers to clearly connect with their young audience, who benefited through Q&A forums after each session. The Auditorium also housed one of the most electric events of the camp as the teams and new friends alike came together to sing the night away with an evening of karaoke and music.
One of the most entertaining events we storytellers covered had to be the paint war that was held on the lawn outside of Marian & Howard Hall. There was no lack of tie-dye water ballons and paint packets to be thrown in an all-out field day leaving the fresh, white GSE t-shirts worn for the event as new, colorful creations.

A highlight of my personal experience working the program, was seeing the teams go through the building phases to become a successful unit and seeing in real-time how the Es relationships with one another grew. Working as a visual storyteller means that you are a fly on the wall and do not distract from individuals and teams getting their work done. This role allowed me to detach myself, to a certain degree, to truly capture these teams on their unique journeys, reflecting the energy created as they workshopped different entrepreneurial ideas.
Being able to capture this event through storytelling from start to finish was a remarkable experience. Witnessing the growth the program generated in each and every rising entrepreneur that participated, not just as individuals but also within their teams, makes me excited for the future. I have no doubt that they will use the skills learned to make their communities and the world a better place.
Thomas More Students working with the GSE:
Gabby Browning ’25, Sophia Hermosilla ’24, Ian Herrera ’25, Matt Lodge ’25, David Klenk ’22/’24, Lorenzo Lelli ’25, David Moore ’24, Mary Strasser ’25, Jose Urtecho ’24, Ezequiel Villarreal ’25, Santiago Vito ’25
For more information and a photo gallery about the ribbon cutting for the Academic Center, CLICK HERE.
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