MGT 630 Sustainability in Business – Capstone Research
Professor Kris Lovett, Ed.D., introduced a new twist in her MBA class MGT 630 for fall 2022. The focus of the class provided a framework to help managers make decisions regarding sustainability in business in today’s ever-changing global economy. Central to the class is the concept that the purpose of a viable business is not only to make a profit but also to create value for all stakeholders, Lovett revised her course to incorporate environmental sustainability science, theories, and ways of thinking, to retain and grow markets. Ideas include scientific principles about the natural world and organizational principles focusing on the workplace. Topics of social enterprise and social entrepreneurship, with a goal to use business power and resources to drive social change and benefit society, are also covered.
Four distinct student groups presented capstone projects which researched assigned firms that are practicing corporate social responsibility and sustainability within their business. Students answered questions as to key features and characteristics used to promote sustainability, if the business model is built to survive current regulations and strategy formulation, if the enterprise could have the same success as a not-for-profit versus for-profit, what the key drivers are for achieving success and if there is the potential for greater growth while building on strengths that lock into a sustainable environment.
Capstone projects:
Andrew Martini, Monileap (Irene) May, Rachel Schultz, and Tamara Tapia researched Longi, a company focused on solar energy/panel production for corporate entities. Longi uses solar power to create solar panels with a goal to have as close to a zero carbon footprint as possible by 2030. (Begins at :13 mark.)
Alisha Adams, Kris Davis, Jack Tally, and Conner Young researched the company Pela, who produces an indoor composting device called Lomi. The average American consumer produces 18-40% of organic waste daily. Lomi is a way to reduce the carbon emissions with less mess and greenhouse emissions than the typical outdoor compost project. (Begins at the 15:00 mark.)
Maximo Morales, Matias Caramuti, Sterre Harsveld van der Veen, and Sydney Rhodes researched Vestas North America.Vesta is a leader in the U.S. and Canada in the wind industry. (Begins at the 34:18 mark.)
Nicholas Carle, Sergio Bermejo, Reagan Toothaker, and Simon Herrera presented on Aspiration, a digital financial institution which offers green banking options for enterprises and individuals. (Begins at the 57:35 mark.)
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