Thomas More University 2023-2024 Giving Honor Roll
Thanks to the generosity of so many amazing donors, the 2023-2024 fiscal year was a success for Thomas More. These gifts demonstrate support from alumni, trustees, friends, faculty and staff as well as the business community. Resources generated provide a values-based education for our students as we grow and expand on the traditions that have made Thomas More a top-tier regional university. Thank you to all our donors for their continued and generous financial support. We are extremely honored and appreciative that we are entrusted to be stewards of your donations and will continue to maximize their impact on students in support of the mission of the University.
Thomas More University has made every effort to verify the accuracy of these lists. We apologize for any inadvertent omissions or errors. Please bring them to our attention and help us keep our records up-to-date by contacting Institutional Advancement at 859-344-3344 or advancement@thomasmore.edu.
The Gen Ann Harris Society – Throughout the Giving Honor Roll, an asterisk (*) can be seen which denotes inclusion in the Gen Ann Harris Society, a giving society established in spring of 2013 to honor Genevieve Ann Harris ’45 (1924-2017), Thomas More’s longest consecutive giving donor. This annual giving society is dedicated to those loyal supporters of the University who have given continuously, at any level, for three or more consecutive years. Loyal annual support has a significant impact on students, faculty, and staff; furthering a variety of initiatives that fulfill the mission of the University on an on-going basis. Thank you!
St. Thomas More Society
(Donors Contributing Gifts of $250,000 or more)
Individual Giving
Wilbert ’53, J.D. and M. Ellen ’70 Ziegler *
Organization, Foundation and Corporate Giving
Robert W. Plaster Foundation *
St. Elizabeth Healthcare *
St. Elizabeth Sports Medicine *
The Chancellor Society
(Donors Contributing Gifts of $100,000 – $249,999)
Individual Giving
Oakley Farris *
Janet Stallmeyer and Donald Flora *
Robert Ryan Jr. ’66 *
William and Martha Yung
Anthony ’65, Ph.D. and Geraldine ’66 Zembrodt *
The Trustee Society
(Donors Contributing Gifts of $50,000 – $99,999)
Individual Giving
The Family of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hemmer, Sr.
The Family of Thomas Ketteler
David ’67 and Nancy Meyer *
Robert and Dell Ann Sathe *
Organization, Foundation and Corporate Giving
Carol and Ralph V. Haile, Jr. Foundation *
Republic Bank *
The Chapel Society
(Donors Contributing Gifts of $10,000 – $49,999)
Individual Giving
Judith Marlowe ’69, Ph.D. and Gordon Blitch *
Mary H. Brown *
Joseph, LP.D. and Laura Chillo *
Michael and Mary Beth Dempsey *
Thomas ’78 and Martha ’79 Depenbrock *
Catherine ’81 and Mark Guilfoyle *
Annette Hater ’99 and Zachery Storer
Amanda Hofmeyer ‘14
John Fox *
Frank ’73 and Mary Fritsch ‘73
Dennis ’66 and Margaret Kehoe *
Patrick ’64 and Clara Ann Klocke *
Kathryn Kramer *
Richard Lindhorst ’75 *
Melissa Lueke and P. Scott Linstruth *
Thomas and Theresa Lueke *
George, Jr. ’51 and Bonny Lyon *
The Family of Garry W. Neltner, DPM *
Dr. Scott ’86 and Jill Neltner *
Eduardo ’71 and Sheila ’69 Rabel *
Edwin ’63 and Marlene ’65 Robinson *
Joan Robinson ’69 *
Donald ’67, M.D. and Dee Saelinger *
Paul and M. Beth Sartori *
Margaret Schack ‘72
Charles ’74 and Julie ’76 Scheper *
Susan Sturgeon ‘68
Dr. Thomas Woodruff ’66 *
James ’60, M.D. and Marna Zalla *
Robert and Nancy Zapp *
Organization, Foundation and Corporate Giving
Aramark Corporation *
Unknown Donor *
The Butler Foundation *
Chemed Corporation Foundation *
Council of Independent Colleges *
David N. & Ann Early Foundation *
Dressman Benzinger LaVelle psc *
Duke Energy Foundation *
Duke Energy
Fifth Third Foundation – Ohio Valley Foundation
LCPL Adam D. Peak Memorial Scholarship Fund *
Dr. George A. and Dolores E. Renaker Charitable Foundation, Inc. *
Republic Bank Foundation, Inc.
SD1 *
Seligman Family Foundation *
Sports Fundraising, LLC *
Universidad del Sagrado Corazon *
The Renaissance Society
(Donors Contributing Gifts of $5,000 – $9,999)
Individual Giving
Jerome ’63 and Rita Hurm ’63 Bahlmann *
Bayer Family Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation *
Dr. Steven ’64 and Diana Bolte *
Daniel Collopy ’76 *
Joseph ’63 and Suzanne Detzel *
Thomas ’69 and Patti Dietz *
Steven ’97 and Sarah Epplen
Louis ’81 and Marilyn Esselman *
W. Vernon Hicks, Jr., Ph.D. *
Nancy Tretter and Patrick Jones *
Jerome and Julia Keller *
James Kemen *
The Reverend Monsignor Ronald Ketteler *
Richard ’95 and Dr. Rachel ’95 Lehmkuhl *
Jeffrey ’80, Esq. and Francine Mando *
Marc ’85 and Susan Neltner *
Joseph ’64 and Ellen ’66 Roesel *
Daniel ’73, M.D. and Elaine ’72 Rutterer
Carol Schaefer ’92 *
Jeanne-Marie ’91, Ph.D. and Richard, Jr. Tapke *
Gregory and Janice Wilkins *
Ted ’90 and Christine Zalla *
Organization, Foundation and Corporate Giving
Anonymous *
Bottom Line Systems
C-Forward Inc. *
Diocese of Covington *
Executive Charter *
Fifth Third Bank *
Hueneke Foundation Trust
OrthoCincy Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
Roebling Capital Partners
Rudler, PSC *
Turner Construction Company *
Turner Construction Company Foundation
The Villa Madonna Society
(Donors Contributing Gifts of $2,500 – $4,999)
Individual Giving
Rebecca, Ph.D. and Dr. James Bilbo *
Rodney ‘00/’03 and Susan Black
Robert and Trisha Cordes *
Judith and Gregory Crist *
John ’91 and Deborah ’92 Eberhart *
Shane ’94 and Candice Elkin *
David ’92/’01 and Karen ’93 Epplen
Jeff and Jen Epplen
Thomas ’71 and Mary Lou Ernst *
Michael ’91 and Ann Esselman
Brianna Hammond ‘23
Raymond, Ph.D. and Maureen Hebert *
Dr. Robert Hengehold ’56 *
M. Gabrielle Hils ’81 and James Thesing ’71 *
Gregory and Krista Hughes
Kenneth and Andrea Morow Keck
Thomas ’73 and Judith ’74 Kinman *
William ’61 and Elaine ’64 Kohlhepp *
David ’81 and Linda Macke *
Margaret ’85 and Gerard Reynolds *
Joseph ’70 and Kathleen ’70 Statt *
Gregory ’94 and Angela ’97 Stofko *
Michael Donohoe ‘15
Michael McClurg, Jr. ‘00
James Reinersman ‘70
Organization, Foundation and Corporate Giving
Carpets Direct *
Central Bank & Trust Co., Inc.
Congregation of Divine Providence *
Corporex Companies *
DeanDorton CPA *
Fidelity Investments *
Horan Associates *
Kubota Tractor of the Tristate
M. Ellis & Associates, LLC *
MCF Advisors, LLC *
The Goodies Factory, Inc.
The Wm. Lang & Sons Iron Works Company *
US Bank
USI Insurance Services *
The President’s Society
(Donors Contributing Gifts of $1,000 – $2,499)
Individual Giving
Michael Alexander *
Helen Arlinghaus
Pauline ’64 and Norbert Baumann *
Barbara ’68 and Wayne Beimesch *
John Boh ’67 *
Thomas ’58 and Shirley Bohmer *
Dr. James ’75 and Elizabeth ’76 Bolling *
Sandra Brady *
Thomas and Mary Pat Brady *
Gary Buroker
Dr. William ’72 and Margaret Caldon *
Sandy Champlin ’76 *
William and Joanne Chang
Kathleen ’86 and Randall Collins *
Terry ’92 and Michelle ’94 Connor *
Burthal ’92 and Pamela ’91, Ph.D. Corbin *
Amy ’94 and David Darpel *
Adam ’97 and Jenny Davey *
Norbert DeJaco ’61 *
Anthony ’73 and Alga Depenbrock *
Sarah (Sally) Desmond ’71 and Russell Carson *
Loraine Dooley ’54 *
Kelly Dugan
Terrence ’71 and M. Gayle ’73 Egan *
John Ernst, Ph.D. *
Dr. John and Jodi Ferner *
Laura Finke ’18 *
Dana Fisher
Kelly French ’02 and Sean Kapsal ’04 *
Blanche ’04 and Robert Gaynor *
Jerome ’61 and Judith Geiman *
Mark Goshorn ’20 *
Daniel and Elaine Groneck *
Kimberly ’00 and Richard Halbauer
Kimberly, Ph.D. and Pete, Ph.D. Haverkos *
Angie Hawk and Timothy Hecker *
Dr. Stephen ’72 and Juliana ’72 Hellebusch *
Dale and Karen Henson *
Dan ’71 and Christine Hiltz *
John Hodge III and Pamela Hodge *
Bruce ’83 and Leslie Hoffmeister *
Benjamin and Sharyl Iden *
Larry ’68 and Brenda Israel *
Alfred, Jr. ’78 and Dori ’77 Jacobs *
Daniel ’73 and Janet Jansen *
John Juech
Michael ’69 and Lynne Kehoe *
Thomas ’63 and Marie Kindt *
Jason ’11 and Lauren ’12 Kleitz *
Laura ’80, Ed.D. and Brian ’90 Koehl *
Amber Konerman
Raymond ’62 and Jacquelyn Kopser *
Anne Kramer
James and Kathy Kramer
John and Rebecca Kreinest *
Nancy Kuchle ’56 *
Stephen ’70 and Mary Laber *
Dr. Richard ’64 and Kerren Lampe *
John, III ’65 and Julie Lange *
Jerome, Ph.D. and Stephanie Langguth *
Glenna Lykens
Matt Madonna ’70 and Jo Ann Dooley Madonna ’68 *
Beth ’00/’02 and Brian ’02 Maley *
Dennis ’71 and Myra McEvoy *
Sean McGinnis *
M. Scott ’97 and Carrie McIntyre *
Mayor Paul Meier *
Ronald Meyer ’69 *
Michael and Tilli Milton *
Martin Mitchell
Joseph and Mary Novosel
Aaron Osborne ‘13
Kenneth and Brenda Palmer *
Bruce and Diana Peak *
Dr. Todd ’87 and Dr. Chantal Prewitt *
Michael ’66 and Martha ’65 Queenan *
D. Lee, Jr. ’84 and Pamela ’85 Ransdell *
Patrick ’73 and Patricia Raverty *
Kevin, Ed.D. and Christin Reynolds *
Daniel Romes ’97 *
Dr. Stephen ’78 and Deborah ’78 Ruberg *
Thomas and Gina Saelinger *
James and Donna Salyers
Jason Sayre
Andrew ’96 and Erin Schaeffer *
Dr. Donald Schertler ’85 *
Anthony and Mary Schmidt
Joseph and Virginia Schmidt *
David ’60 and Janet ’61 Schneider *
David Schroeder ’90 *
Rob and Kelly Schultz
Charles and Joy Shepard *
Kelly Smith
R. Michael and Tracie Stacy *
James ’65 and Anita ’64 Stautberg *
James ’89 and Judith ’89 Stautberg *
Dr. Richard ’71 and Carol Stevie *
Raymond ’75 and Lynn Stewart *
Michelle ’87, DMD and Patrick Story *
Dr. Joseph ’82 and Nancy ’76 Stratman *
William Sturgeon ’78 *
Chad and Kristin Summe
Amy Thistlethwaite, Ph.D. and John Wooldredge *
The Reverend Monsignor Gerald Twaddell, D. Phil., KCHS *
Dr. Thomas Von Lehman ’69 and Margaret Good *
Sharon Welte ’65 *
Tyler ’04 and Kaylae ’05 Whisman *
Nathan Whittington
Michael ’63 and Martha Willson
Alice Wintersheimer ’56 *
James Wissman ’57 *
Stephen ’99 and Amy Wright *
Helen ’82 and Timothy Wrobel *
Dr. Mark ’83 and Mary Ann Zalla
William and Jean Zeck *
Irvin ’65 and Luann Ziegler *
Catherine Zimmer
Organization, Foundation and Corporate Giving
Allison & Rose Funeral Home
Armour Global Logistics, Inc. *
Focus on Success *
Kasselmann Eminence LLC
Knights of Columbus Bishop Ackerman Council #5453 *
Mike Albert Sales & Service *
National Management Resources Corporation *
New Perceptions *
Ohio Kentucky All Stars *
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission
One Holland Corporation *
Safran Landing Systems
Sisters of Notre Dame *
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
T.L.C. Construction Services
TLG Peterbilt – NKY
The Patron Society
(Donors Contributing Gifts of $500 – $999)
Individual Giving
Julie Arlinghaus
P. Flynn and Lauren Ashley *
Kathleen Siobhan Barone, Ph.D.
Andrew Bartolovich ‘22/’23
Robert ’73 and Marilyn Beck *
Gary and Lisa Blank *
Dr. C. William ’63 and Mary Blewett *
Deborah Bogenschutz ’73 and Harold Tucker *
Bill and Tina Boyers *
Scott Burleigh
Beverly Camera
Lance and Melissa Castle *
James, Jr. ’75, Ph.D. and Judith Connor *
Thomas ’71 and Cathryn Cook *
Dewaine and Dionne Couch *
Rachelle Crone
Chris Denman
John and Jane Domaschko Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation *
Edward, III ’74 and Jane Dressman *
Mary Dressman ’71 *
Todd Duncan
Kyle ‘11/’15 and Natalie ’11 Egan
Reverend Raymond Enzweiler ’83 *
Randy Evans
Gilmer Fauber Jr. and Brenda Fauber
Ethan Fleming *
Bruce Fornshell *
David Foster, Sr., M.Ed. *
Robert and Suzanne Francis
Barry ’69 and M. Alice ’70 Frank *
John Gallenstein, Jr. ’72 *
Dennis ’73 and Rita Koehl ’74 Geiger *
Thomas ’66 and Kathleen Gerrein
Michelle Gharib
David ’99 and Kelly Green *
Christine Greenwell
Harold Griffith
Dr. David ’84 and Dr. Laurie Haas *
Jeffrey ’19 and Stacee Hans *
Jessica ’15 and Matthew Hare
Lynn Hemmer ’83 and William Hemmer, Jr.
Patricia ’89 and William Hemmer *
Jacob ’19 and Abby ’18 Hensley *
Jim Herbers
Linda Huelke
Kyle and Mallory Isaack *
Diane Johnson *
Frances Johnson
Jack Johnson ’73 *
Michael and Lori Johnson *
Shawn Johnson *
Avery Jones ’20 *
Julie Jones *
Marty Kamer, Jr. *
Donald, Jr. ’83 and Kathleen Kiely *
Edward and Paula Kuehne
William Van Lokeren ’65 *
Ronald and Alice Lubbe *
Mary ’73 and Michael Luebbers *
Robert ’71 and Eileen Macke
Timothy ’79 and Leslie Maloney
Ian Manahan ‘21
Jeremy and Molly Martin *
Theresa Hillenmeyer ’73 and Dr. Michael Mattei *
Donald ’76 and Paula Meihaus *
Brent Messmer ’94 and Jessica Exterkamp *
Charles ’60 and Anna Meyers *
Tim and Lisa Michel *
Dr. George Miner ’58 *
Edward ’73 and Diane Monahan *
Nathan Moore
John Muenchen ‘75
Mary Ann Muething ’69 *
Robert ’81 and Carol Munninghoff *
Robert and Laurie Munson *
P. David ’64 and Becky Neiheisel
Shane Noem
Fran Nunan
Randy and Suzy O’Hara
Katherine Papp ’94 *
Grant Parkis
Nicholas Pennekamp ’16 *
Peter and Ange Popovich
Caitlin Powell, Ph.D. *
Dennis Rautmann *
Frederick and Charlotte Read *
Robert Riehemann, Ph.D. *
Clinton ’02 and Kelley Rinehart *
Sally Rizer ’72 *
Kenneth Ruberg ’17 *
Reverend Albert Ruschman *
Ron Russo *
Wesley, Ph.D. and Christina Ryle *
Robert Schaefer, Sr. ’68 *
Christine ’72 and James Schneider *
Paul Schodowski
Laurie Schumacher *
Judy ’61 and William Schummer *
Brett Seever
Michael Selm ‘07/’09
Dr. Choe Sergent *
Dr. Nancy ’76 and Thomas Shaughnessy *
Catherine Sherron, Ph.D. and Randy Bailey *
Marie ’65 and R. Kenney Shields *
Debby Shipp *
Thomas Shonkwiler *
Stephen Small ‘73
Jason Snyder
John Spence, Ph.D., AICP, and Colleen O’Toole *
Dr. Peter ’67 and Dr. Susan Stuntebeck *
W. Douglas ’76 and Nancy Sweeten *
Scott Teepe
James ’67 and Marita Thelen
Andrew Thole ’12 *
Paul ’55 and Diana Trenkamp *
Marcia Vordemark
Shauna Vordemark
Chad ‘05/’10 and Taylor Wachs
Genie Wambaugh *
Steven Wanamaker
A. Thomas ’67 and Barbara Weibel *
Stephanie Weil
William and Kara Wetzel *
Pamela Wheatley ’09 *
Kristin Whittington
Karry ’97 and Trevor Wilkes
Nicholas and Gloriette Winnike *
E. John ’66 and Candace Wolfzorn
Doctor Mike ’18 and Helen Wong *
Orville Young
Tim and Christie Young
Organization, Foundation and Corporate Giving
Apex Grounds Management, LLC
Armor Home Services, LLC *
BE NKY Growth Partnership
Carpetland Carpet One *
Centre College
Connor & Associates, PLLC
Don Catchen & Son Funeral Home *
Edgewood Tavern *
Horizon Funds of Northern Kentucky, Inc.
International Covers, Inc.
IT Supply Solutions LLC
Joseph Chevrolet
KAL Lawncare & Landscaping, Inc. *
Northern Kentucky Tri-ED
Oriental Wok Restaurant *
Paul Hemmer Company
Relay Express, Inc. *
Saddle Club
SC Johnson, A family company *
Strategic Advisers
University Housing Solutions
VRC Management, Inc.
The Benefactor Society
(Donors Contributing Gifts of $250 – $499)
Individual Giving
W. Gary ’61 and Shirley Ahlrichs
John Albers
Alissa Ayres *
Floyd Ballard
John ‘14/’17 and Suz Banchy
David and Kristen Beach
Wade Begley ’10 *
Jill ’94 and Richard Berkemeier
Thomas and Kathy Birtcil
Cory ’17 and Susan Blackson *
Donna Bloemer ’91 and Kevin Baker
Bruz and Sharon Borgman *
Peter and Ellen Boriin *
Bob and Gloria Borneman
Mary Anne ’66 and Thomas Bright *
Tim Bronsil
Mark ’76 and Jane Burke *
Dr. Timothy ’74 and Cynthia ’76 Burke *
Stephanie Burnside *
David Burridge *
Lawrence Byerly, Ph.D.
Debbie Carr *
Michael and Lori Cartuyvelles *
Don and Teresa Catchen *
Christopher Cochran
Jack Coors ‘72
Elizabeth Cordes
Frank Cura
Patrick ’91 and Kimberly ’92 Custenborder
Laura and David Custer *
Daniel and Alysse Damonte *
Julie Daoud, Ph.D. *
Lana David
Susan ’84 and Gregory Davis *
Lynn Dedman
Mark Dickmann
Kathy Diedrich
Christopher Dieter ’95 *
Richard Doggett
Rick Dunning
Conrad Ebner
Kevin Edgar
Herman Estes
Lee and Kathy Eubanks
Charles ’69 and Cheryl Faust *
Charles ’68 and Nancy Fehr *
Gerard Feldhake ’77 *
Patrick Feldman ’69 *
Susan LaVelle Ficke *
Benjamin Flamm ’14 *
Terry ’83 and Sandy ’83 Flanagan
R. Steven Flynn, Ph.D. *
Todd and Janet Frohlich *
Maria Garriga, Ph.D. and Todd McMurtry *
Lorraine Gawronski ’77 and Edward Allen *
Ashley Gier ’11 *
Ronald ’63 and Sharon Gripshover *
Lynnette Guzzino *
Jason and Lauren Hegener
Ruth Hemmer
David ’64 and Linda Hergott *
Carrie ’04 and Richard Herthel
Jeff Hetzer *
James Higgins, Jr. ‘77
Mickey and Kathleen Hoffman *
Robert Hoffman ’73
Christopher Houser
Janet Huston
Paul ’72 and Ruth ’72 Inderhees *
Linda Ireland
Mary ’75 and Robert Jamison *
Carl ’74 and Sandra Johnson
Eric ’06 and Carrie ’98 Justice *
Joseph Kahre
Mickey and Tracey Kamer
Michele Kelley *
Robert Kelly
David Kittrell
Dr. Ruth Kleier ’83 and Glen Turner *
Judy Klevorn
Michael ’74 and Deborah Kneflin *
Thomas ’93 and Tara ’94 Knipper *
Jerome Knochelmann ‘87
Andrew ’83 and Julie Kraemer
Mason Kramer *
Robert ’62 and Judy La Eace *
Christopher Lorentz, Ph.D. *
Dolores and Robert Lorenz
Kristina Lucas
Wade Lucas
Donald Luken ’71 *
Cynthia ’04 and David Martin *
Charles ’73 and Mary Jo ’74 McFadden *
Janet ’54 and Thomas Mentrup *
Mark Messingschlager ‘11/’15 *
D. Lynn Meyers ’77 *
Karnig Mikaelian
Christopher Moyer, Ph.D. *
Jean ’78 and Timothy Muldoon *
Ronald ’79 and Rosemary ’80 Mullen
Christy Nageleisen ’00 *
Paul ’88 and Tracy Neltner *
Mark Nowlin
John Nunan
William ’57 and Lillian Oberjohn
Darren ’84 and Mary ’84 Orloff
Peter and Angela Orphanos *
Amelia Pearson
Amy Pflum ‘93
Teresa Phillips
Alan and Donna Pickett
Nicholas ’05 and Allison ‘05/’10 Pieczonka
Paul Plattner *
DeAnn ’66 and Joe Posey *
Mark ’83 and Pamela Powell *
Kathleen Quinones
Parna Rando
Victoria Raque ’22 *
Jennifer Reeves
Julie Roesel ’93 and Sean Belton
Joseph and Patricia Roesel
Richard Rolfsen *
Patricia ’68 and Ronald Ryerson *
Catharine Saelinger *
Kathryn Sanders
Christopher ’95 and Victoria ’95 Sapp *
Susan Sayre
Tammy ’16 and Tom Schatzman *
Mary ’75 and Paul Scheper *
Michael ’87 and Marypat ’88 Schmidt
Stephen ’91 and Jamie ’87 Schroeder *
Roger Schwartz ’73 *
Jacob Schweinefuss ‘18
Jon Smith *
Thomas ’85 and Christine Spurr *
Wm. Michael Stanley
Thaddeus ’71 and Susan Stanton
Joseph and Kayla Steltenkamp *
Charles ’89 and Mary Ann Stelzle *
Michael Szabo
Timothy Teepe
Patrick Thatcher *
Gerald ’61 and Bonnie ’63 Thelen *
Thomas Thelen *
Darren Thomas *
Lawrence ’72 and Mary Ann ’73 Tiemeier *
John Tolla
Richard ’70 and Barbara Traud *
Barry ’80 and Diane Tuemler *
Dr. Patricia Uckotter ’75 *
Bradley and Lee Underwood *
Dr. Elizabeth ’93 and Billy Venard
Gregory and Melinda Vincenti *
Kim Vogelgesang
Andrew ’75 and Barbara VonLehman
Noah Welte ’05 and Lauren Garrett *
John ’71 and Sherri ’71 Wenderfer *
Tony Willenborg
Kenneth and Kathleen Williams *
Michael Williams
Thomas Williams ‘20
Gary Wirsing
Suzanne ’00 and Anthony Zilliox *
Organization, Foundation and Corporate Giving
Arthur Gallagher Foundation *
Baker Concrete Construction *
Barbarian Apparel
BB Consulting Group LLC
Chas H. Bilz Insurance Agency, Inc. *
Denier Electric Company, Inc.
Hal Kresser Agency LLC
Handy Paint Products
Incline Wealth Advisors
JFM Excavation LLC
John Kennedy Insurance & Financial Services, Inc.
Keating Muething & Klekamp *
Kroger Community Awards *
Laru Bowling Lanes
Sinkula Investments dba Wendy’s
The Church of St. Agnes *
Trademark Plumbing, Inc. *
Verst Logistics, Inc. *
Vision Home Enterprises
The Saints Society
(Donors Contributing Gifts up to $250)
Individual Giving
Michael Abbatiello
Paige Abbinante
Amanda Abbott
Inge Abbott
Makayla Abbott
Max Abel ’80 *
Michael Abner
Fran Acito
Jenny Acito
Heather ’07 and Matthew Ackels *
Grant Ackerman
James ’95 and Rebecca ’97 Acuff
Jonathan Adams
Shawna Adams
Tim Adams
Amanda Adkins
Katilin Adkins
David Agee
Brianna Agner *
Brian Agnew
Deborah Ainsworth
Joan Aker
Carly Akers
Lisa Akers
Michele and Dean Albers *
Nicholas Albers
Alice Albrinck
Alyssa Albrinck ‘23
Danita Albrinck
Eric Albrinck
Ronald ’61 and Sally Albrinck *
Tom Albrinck
Brian Alessandro
Judy Alessandro
Kevin Alessandro
Steve Alessandro
Traci Alexander
Dianna Alfonso
Shannon Alfonso
Winston Alfonso
Kate Alger
Jaime Aliff
Jeanna Aliff
Kathy Aliff
John and Donna Alig
Beth Allen
Katie Alles
Nancy Allman
Shannon Allman
Olivia Alloway
Emily Allphin
Heather Allphin
John Altenau
Donna Alton-Morgan
Barbara and Philip Amato *
Alex Ammerman
Annica Amoani
Dustin Amrine
Joe Anastasia
Bryon Anderson
Cheri Anderson
Colleen Anderson
Crystal Anderson
Keely Anderson
Fred Andes
John Andrews
Kyle Andrews
Sam Angelotta
Joe Ankenbauer
Thomas ’70 and Mary Ankenbauer
Lora Anstaett
Dale Arlinghaus
Doug Arlinghaus
Jason Armbruster
Brian Arnold
Angela Arnult
Tamara Arnzen
Lucas Arrasmith
William Arthur II ‘93
Jeff Arvin
Toni Arvin
Cindy Ashworth
Dwane and Andrea Atwood
Michael Aull *
William ’72 and Gail ’74 Aylor
Samantha Bacelieri ‘02
Rick Bach
Amy Bachler
Joy Bachman
Pete Bachman
Stefaney Bahlke
George ’69 and Susan Bailey *
Travis Bailey
Zaria Bailey
Ellyn Baines
Blake Baioni ‘20
Krista Baioni
Melissa Bair Westhoven
Jennifer Bair
Vickie Bair
Kathy Baker
Shirley Baker
Yuriya Baker
Christopher and Jennifer Baldock
Carrie Baldwin
Cheryl Ball
Cathy Ballinger
Aaron Banko ’18 *
Anaia Banks
Meenakshi Bansal and Aman Gupta *
Lexi Barbee
Luke Barbian
Dottie Barker
Fred Barker
Stephanie Barker
Edward ’73 and Melanie Barloh *
Burke Barlow
Thomas and Charlene Barlow *
Dr. Mary Barnes ‘77
Aaron Barnett
Mitch Barnett
Maddie Barnhill
Jeff Barnhorst
Tim Barnhorst
Shawn Barone *
James Barraco
Saiana Barron
Ian Barta
Carol Riffle ’86 and Patrick Barth *
Emily Bartholomew
Frank Bartolovich
Don Barton
Kim Barton
Megan Barton ‘17
Patti Bascom
Julie Bauerle ‘10
Jerome Baumann
Annabelle Bautista *
Tamara Bauwens
Nathan Bayliff
Nancy Beach
Thomas Beach
Kaylee Beal ‘23
Skyler Beal
Anthony Beasley
Kyndel Beasley
Elaine Beck
Carol ’74 and Bryan Becker *
Robbie Begley
Theresa Behan
Emma Belk
Wendi Belk *
April Bell
Axel Bell ’23 *
Bianca Bell
Lesley Bell
Regann Bell
William Bell
Jim Bella
Mary Belperio
Robert ’82 and Elma Benne
Brandon Bennett
Robert Bennett ‘23
Gordon Benning
Sydney Benson
Evette ’83 and Steven Bentley *
Eric Benton
Elaine Berberich ’55 *
Christopher Berger
Marlie Berger
Rob and Mary Berger *
Thomas, M.D. and Ramona Berger
Scott and Karen Berlekamp
Spencer Berlekamp ’15 *
Stephen Bernat
Michael Bernecker ‘16
Tracy Bernecker
Justin Berry
Alex Bertram
Marcia Bertram
Loic Bertrand
Janet Bertsch
Ronald ’86 and Julie Bertsch *
Michael and Amy Berwanger
Rachel Berwanger ‘23
Patricia Besl
Jeff Bezold
Michelle Bezold
Clayton B’Hymer ’80 *
Joseph Bianco
Gerald ’53 and Lois Biedenbender *
Chad Bierbaum
Donna Bierbaum
Justin Bierbaum ‘23
Philip and Denise Bierbaum
Colleen Biers
Theresa Biers
Donald Birkley ‘73
Stephanie Birkley
Jonathon and Samantha Birtcil
Mike Birtcil
Derek Bischoff
Rose ’69 and George Bitsoff *
Matthew Blackburn
Shea Blackburn
Amber Blackman
Sarah ’06 and Daniel Blackwell *
Cassie Blair
Tamra Blair
Vicki Blait
Leann Blanchet
Katie Blank
Anne Blazer
Lucas Bledsoe
Denny Bleh
Dawn ’95 and Michael Bloemer
Damon Blue *
Rick Blyberg
Ann Boeckermann
Lawrence, Ph.D. and Annette Boehm *
Danny Boehmker
Chris Boelscher
James Boland
Keith Boland
Kerrie Boland
Patrick and Tara Boland
Rorie Boland
Carlie Bolder
John Bolger
Lisa Bolin
Brad Bollheimer
Jeff and Erin Bond
Jeffrey and Joy Bond
Sam Bond
Elizabeth Bone M.F.A *
Suzanna Bonecutter
Alix Bono
Alex Boon
Tracy Boone
Cari Boos
Brian Booth
Sharon Borders
Elaine Borgerding
Chris Borman *
Diane Borman
Patricia Borman
Patricia Borne ‘81
Dr. Eric ’93 and Shannon ’94 Bosley *
Becki Bosson
John ’11 and Laura ’13 Bovard
Patsy Bowen *
Phyllis Bowen
Kathleen ’72 and Charles Bowie *
Jacleen Bowles
Minta Bowling
Kristi Bowman
Thomas Bowman ‘98
Renetta Boykins
David Boyle
James Bradley
Karen Bradley
Nicole Bradley
Ed Bradshaw
Jen Brady
Barry Brandman
Sheila Branham
Carla Brant
Alyssa Bratcher
Emaelee Braun
Kim Braun
Megan Braun
Judy Breetz
Mary Bretz
Todd and Christina Bretz
Jennifer Brewsaugh
Ann Bricking *
Marie-Helene Bricknell ’73 and Antonio Genzano
Ashley Brim
Annette Brink ’77 *
Kevin Brinkman
Paul Brinkman ’73 *
David Bristol
Anita Brock
Bobbi Brock
Linda Brock
Nicholas Brockmann
Stacy Broenner
Janis ’69 and Lawrence Broering *
Lisa Brogan
Eddie Brooks
Ernie Brooks
Robin Brooks
Steven Brooks
Noah Brophy ‘24
Andrew and Sarah Bross
Jenifer Broussard
Amy Brown
Devontae Brown
Jamie Brown
Keyshalay Brown
Kyle and Samantha Brown
Michael Brown
Stephanie Brown
Whitney Brown ’22 *
Dannielle Browne-Harper ’16 and Don Harper *
Camryn Browning
Trevor Browning
Theresa ’81 and Jerome Brugger *
Thomas Bruns
Natalie Bryant
Christopher Bryson ‘93/’00/’15
Lance Bucher
Jack Buchwald
Ben and Kelly Buczak
Dr. Paul ’63 and Edith Buerger *
J. Larry ’72 and Marilyn ’72 Buescher
Andrew Buford
Douglas Buford
Rachel Buford
Amy Bulach ‘01
Jared Bulluck ‘23
Heidi Bumpus
Joe Burch
Pat Burden
Tina Burg
Robert Burger
Michael Burke
Michael Burkhardt
Dian Burkhart
David Burleigh
Morgan Burleigh
Jonathan Burlew
Denice Burnett
Reverend Martin Burnham ’89, P.S.S.
Carol ’70 and Pete Burns
Ian Burns
Layne Burns
Mya Burns
Brady Buroker
David Burris
Chrissy Burroughs
Harriett Burroughs
Kelly Burrows
Glenn Burton
Missy Burton
Mike Buschelmann
Isaac Bushnell
Dan Busken
Julie Busken *
Rebecca Busken
Anne Busse, DBA
Margaret Butler ‘61
Thomas ’93 and Tammy Butler *
Thomas Butler
Diane Byrd
Felicia Byrd *
Gail Byrd
Lynne Cadena
Shannon Cahill
Tom Cahill
Kate Calder
Damien Calderon
Lindsay Calederon
John and Katherine Caldon *
Mary Callahan
Robert Callahan
Tanaya Callon
Janet Calme ’69 *
Paul, Jr. ’76 and Jean Calme
Thomas ’67 and Joann Calme
Aspen Cameron
Stan Cameron
Taylor Cameron
Tim Cameron
Troy Cameron
Alisha Campbell
Caleb Campbell
Jay ’68 and Martha Campbell
Shane Campbell ’13 *
Shannon Campbell
Stephanie Campsey
Jude ’89 and Beverly Canchola *
James Caniglia ’21 *
Martha Cannon ‘73
Marcia Canter ‘73
Joseph Capo-Bianco
Zachary Cappel ‘23
Maureen Carden
Kelly Carder
Mary Carder
Rebecca Carder
Jerome and Liesa Carle *
Madison Carle ‘24
Christy Carlson
Aaron Carnahan
Gail ’03 and Dennis Carr *
George ’53 and Elizabeth Carr
Kenneth Carr *
Brennan Carroll
Kimberly Carroll
Shawn ’84 and Liesa Carroll *
Timothy ’78 and Katherine Carroll *
Ashleigh Carter
Marcus Carter
Nichole Carter
Reese Carter
Tawnya Carter
Jamie Case
Shannon Case
Kieran Casey ‘21/’23 *
Nichole Caskey
Allison Casper
Brock Cassin
Stephanie Castaneda
Jim Castle
Madison Castle
William Castleberry
Javier Castro
Thomas Castrucci
James Catchen *
Jordan Catchen
Aaron Caudill
Jean Caudill ’76 *
Donna Cecere
Ellen Chadwick ’01 *
Eboni Chambers
Kim Chambers
Rodney Chambers
Ronnie Chambers
Jaxon Champ
Julie Champion
Walter Chapleau
Thomas ’77 and Donna ’81 Chastang *
Jill Cheek
Sarah Cheney
Tim Chenot
Ken Chevalier
Linda Childs
Rich and Kimberly Childs
Derek Chow
Dr. Joseph Christensen and Lori Pederson *
Alan Christenson
John Christmann
Katherine Chumbley
Ronald Chute *
Thomas Cieira
Gregory Cielec
Dr. John ’71 and Victoria ’72 Cimprich *
Joyce Cissell ’66 *
Becky Clark
Christopher Clark
James and Paula Clark
Marc Clark
Matthew Clark ‘11
Nikki Clark
Chris Clary
Vivian Cleaver
Kasey Clements
Phylicia Clemons
David Clephane
Sandra Cleveland ’21/’24 *
Elissa Cloud
Beth Clower
Sherri Cluxton
Alex Coffaro
Terry ’68 and Maureen Cogswell *
David Cohen
Jeff Coker
John and Andrea Colbert *
Cheryl Cole
Charlie Coleman
Pete Coleman
Zachary Coleman ‘23
Carole Coleman-Florestal
Carla Collier
Claude Collins
Leslie Collins
Bryan and Crystal Collver
Cory Colon
Garren ’86 and Susan ’89 Colvin
James Combs
Joshua Combs
Melissa Combs
Tia Combs ‘08
Gary Como
Darcie Concepcion
Andrew Conlin
Christina Conlin
Thomas Conlin
Linda Connelly
Jack Conner
Ron Conner
Janet Connors
Kimberly Connors
Richard Conrad
Gina Converse
Chad Cook
Gerald ’75 and Sandy Cook
Susan Cook
Robert Coop
Amber Cooper
Bernadette Cooper
Raymond Cooper
Kevin Corby
Scott Cordes
Kristin Cornelius
Sarah Cornett
Austin Corsmeier ’16 *
Kaden Cotterell
Kelly Cotterell
Angela Cottrell
Bart and Allyson Couch
Tammy Couch
Steven and Marisol Covington
Jeffrey and Jeannie Cox
Anonymous Donor
Chelsey Crabtree
Rusty Craddock *
Linda Craft
Annette Craig
Kayla Criag
Tony Craig
Jeffrey Craven and Andrea McBride *
Carol Cravens
Tracey Crawford
Frank Crea, Jr. and Diane Crea
Lynzie Crenshaw
James Cress
Luke Crider
Kyle Crocker
Damon Crockett
Gwen Cruickshank
Brian Crutchfield
Jose Cuevas
Angi Culbertson
Stephanie Cummings
Kevin Cunningham
Ashley Curtis
Liz Curtis
Shawn and Quana Curtis
Joseph Cusick
Stephanie Cusick
Cheryl Cutsinger
Julia Cutsinger
Roger Cutsinger
Judith Daar
Johnny Dabney
Dr. James ’73 and Rosemary Dahmann *
Gavin Dail ‘23
Jessica Dale
Nicholas Dames
Chad Dance
D. Craig Dance ‘71
Tony D’Angelo
Teri Daniel *
Eve Darfus
Hannah Dargie
Brian Daugherty
Dennis ’73 and Susan ’73 Daugherty
Josef David
Denise Davidson
Tonya Davidson
C. Davis
Christopher Davis
Geri Davis
Ian Davis
Iris Davis
Landen Davis
Patricia Davis
Ronald ’74 and Rosemary Davis
Wendy Davis
Leila Dawod
Lisa Dawson
Carolyn Day
Judy Day
Julie Day
Dennis Deal
Mark Dean
Jenne DeAngelis
Shawna Debeck
Robert Decher
Amber Decker
Raymond Decker, Jr. ‘91
Julie Deem
Donna Deimling
Chris Deinlein
George ’64 and Marcelline Deitmaring *
Karen Delaney
Madison Delbrugge
Betty Delver
Damon DeMarco
Alvin Dennig, Jr. ’80 and Diana Dennig ‘82
Jean Dennig ‘79
Terrence ’74 and Mary Depenbrock *
Marguerite Depperschmidt
Tiffany Depue
Kathey Deri
Dre DeRosa
Linda Derrick
Leslie Deshler
Laura Detweiler
Patrick ’11 and Katlyn ’11 Devereux
Michael DeVillez
Niza DiCarlo
Susan Beth Dickson *
Tiffany Diehl
Dennis ’71 and Linda ’72 Dietz *
Mark Dietz
Matt Dietz
Bobbie Dietzel
Jan DiFrancesca
Cindie Dillard
Harrison Dillbeck
Melody Dilts
Christina DiMartino
Jeni D’Imperio
Dan ’67 and Carol DiOrio *
Cat DiPangrazio
Dana Dirkes
Emily Dirr
Andy Disken
John DiTullio
Steven Doan
Crystal Doering
Dawn Doerr
Julie Doherty
Mary ’82 and Michael Doherty
Bryant Dold
Clare Doll ’68 and Joseph Caudill *
Morgan Doll
Wendel Donathan
Amy Donnells
Joseph ’91 and Patricia Donovan
Kevin and Jennifer Dooley
James, Jr. ’72 and Rosanne Dorger ’74 *
Andrew Dorko
Kimberly Dorman
Carol Dorne
Ashlee Dorning ’13 *
Elizabeth Dorning ‘20
Sarah Dorr *
Alan Dorton
Ramona Dotsey
Ethan Dowden
Richard Dowdley Jr. ’18 *
D. Cameron ’71 and Mary Draper
Robert and Sheila Draper *
Jennifer Drees
Charles Dreyer ‘22
Tabitha Dudley
Debbie Dudukovich
Steve and Stephanie Duff
Daniel and Jennifer Dugan
Matt Dugan
Tyler Dugan ‘18
David Duke
Paula F. Dumm
Tina DuMont
Dale and Jennifer Dunaway
Cassidy Dunbar
Brooke Duncan
Cheryl Duncan
Dylan Duncan
John and Kathy Duncan
Laura Duncan
Lee Duncan
Marisa Duncan
Rodney and Cheri Duncan
Amanda Dunn
Ashley Dunn
Carol Dunn ’72 *
John Dunn
Julie Dunn
Grant Dunwoody
Michelle Durban
Gerald ’71 and Marilyn ’72 Dusing
Michael ’71 and Deborah ’71 Dutle *
Sondra ’64 and Daniel Dutro *
Christy Duvall
Caitlin and Ryan Dwyer *
Florence Dwyer, Ph.D. *
Patrick ’01 and Lindsay Eagan *
Michelle Earle
Greg Eaton
Sydney Eaves
James ’80 and Susan Ebenschweiger
Annie Ebert
Ronald ’63 and Kathryn Eckerle *
Paul Edie
Andrew Edrich
Kyle Eggert
Judy Egolf
Carrie Eicher
Jerome Eilerman ‘83
Jamie Eisenman
Sandra Eismann-Harpen ‘02
Maureen Comer Eiting ’93 *
Brian and Tara Elbe
Alec Elbert
Ashley Eley
Lauren Elkins
DeAnne ’04 and Andrew Ellis
Molly Ellis
Alan Elliston
Kasey Elliston
Jon Elmlinger ‘77
Kellie Elston
Dylan Elsworth *
Michelle Emmert
Julie Emmett
Teresa Emmons
Terry Engel
Gary Engelhard ’65 *
Rune Enger *
Donald Enginger
Lori Enginger
Deanna Engle
Karen Enzweiler ’76 and Lawrence Brennan, M.D. *
Mary Elizabeth Enzweiler ’63 *
Kelly Epplen
Max Epplen
Rick Erb ’71 *
Sherri Erbentraut
Kimala Erickson
Sandy Ervin
Chris Evans
Joyce Evans ’74 *
Kendra Evans
Micah Evans
Pavia Evans
Sara Evans
Tameca Evans
Teresa Evans
Liz Eversole
Robert Eviston
Carole Ewald and Brian Hemsath
Susan ’70/’10 and Joseph, Jr. Faigle *
Jeanne Farah
Bahman Farid
Pauline Farmer
Justin Farr *
Lauren Farrell
Stephen Farrell
Jess Farris
Brian and Michelle Faught
Virginia Faught
John ’70, Ph.D. and Jeanette Fausz
Henry Fedders, Jr. ’65 *
Austin and Payton Federmann *
Amy Fein
Hope Feinauer ‘21
Peyton Feldhaus
Teresa Feldmann ’66 *
Christina Ferguson
Don Ferguson
Elizabeth Ferguson
Julie Ferguson
Ty Ferguson
Michael Fields
Catherine Fieler
Michael Fieler
Caleb ’07 and Brittany ’10 Finch *
Teresa Fincken ‘83/’05 *
Dr. Linda Finke ’71 and David Callan
Bradley Finley
Krissy Finley
Timothy Finley
Brett Finnie
David Fishburn
Krystal Fisher
Andrew Fitzgerald
Ben Fitzgerald
Emily Fitzgerald
Linda Fitzgerald
Maegan Fitzgerald
Patrick Fitzgerald
Robyn Fitzgerald
Tom Fitzpatrick
Michael and Lori Flaherty
Robert, Jr. ’66 and Lois Flaherty *
Michael Flanagan
Dan and Beth Flanigan
Susan Flannagan ‘78
Jessica Flannery
Bluford Fleek ’52 *
Griffin Flesch
James and Billie Jo Fletcher
Robert ’70 and Melanie ’72 Flick *
Tyler Flick ’21 *
Carrie Flischel
Jerri Floyd
Kathryn Fluit *
Freedom Fogt
Gabreal Foley
Rosemary Foley
Christopher and Nell Fookes *
Jason Forbeck
Thomas Forbes
Mike Forest
William Forrester
Denny Fox
Richard ’75 and Mary ’77 Fox
Michael Francis
Maria de Los Angeles Francisco Doce
Kirk Frazee
Frede Rhonda
Jonathan Fredrick
Mary Jo Fredrick ’60 *
Corey Freed
Adam ’03 and Molly Freeman *
John French ‘12
Rhiannon Frenz
Madisen Friedhoff
Michele Friedhoff
Max Fries
Bill Frietsch
Madilyn Frith
Ann Fritz
Donald and Peggy Fritz
Mickey Fritz
Honorable Anthony Frohlich *
William Fromme ‘77
Paula Frommeyer
Cailyn Fuamatu
Joseph ’87 and Susan ’87 Fuerst
Dan Fuller
Steve Fulton
Theodore Funk and Rhonda Pearson
Brennan Furry
Lynn Furuta
Jason Gabbard
Katie Gabme
Ashley Gaffey
Eric Gagnon
Gail Gagnon
Todd and Brenda Gagnon *
Glenna ’74 and James Galbraith *
Barbara Gambill
Ira Gansler *
Keith Gantner
M. Angeles Garcia
Danease Gardner
Jordan Garner
Katilyn Garnick
Tori Garrett
Wendi Garrett
Amanda Garrison
Sara Garrison
Scott Garula
Katie Gaskamp
Darnesha Gaskew
Roger Gasmann
Dustin Gastineau
Jack Gatlin
Kathy Gatlin
Angie Gotto
Michael Gatton
Jennifer Gear *
Ryan Gear
Wyatt Gear
Jason and Lisa Gearries
Toby Gearries
Kenneth ’76 and Margaret ’00 Geiger *
Kevin Geiman
Jason Geise
Jim Geisen
Thomas ’70 and Ella ’70 Gelhausen *
Jeff and Teresa Gels
Holly Gerbasich
Kathy Gerdes
Judy Gerdsen
Carrie Geren
Nancy Geren *
Michael Gerkin ’77 *
Stephen Gerth
Anthony ’67 and Mary ’93 Gertz *
John Getha
Chad Getz
David Ghada
Greta Giamberini
Matilde Giamberini
Riccardo Giamberini
Sondra Gibbs
Melissa Gibson
Michael ’80, M.D. and Cathy Gieske
David Gilbert ‘23
Daniel ’73 and Janet Gilday *
Titi Giles
Pam Gilkey
Captain William and Stephanie Gillcrist
Tim Gillenkirk
Jenny Gindling
Mary Gindling
Donald Ginnetti
James Ginney ’62 *
Patrick ’82, DPM and Yong Ginney
James Ginocchio
Tricia Glending
Colin Glenn
Jason Glenn
Erin Glynn
Meghan Glynn
Patricia Godsey
Kari Goetz
Jordan Goldenberg
Jaime Goldsmith
Malessa Gonzalez
Raul Gonzalez
Cole Goodman
Erin Gorczyca
Tricia ’84 and John Gottschall *
Ben Goubeaux
Robert ’73 and Mary ’71 Gough
Christopher and Michelle Gramke *
Jeffrey Gramke
Kevin Graves
Daniel Gray
Stacy and Elisa Gray *
Kaitlyn Green
Melanie Green ’16/’18 *
Sherri Green
Tyler Green, Ph.D. *
Gregory Greene ‘94
Sandy Greenwald
Jennifer Greenwell
Jessica Greenwell
Wendy Greenwell
William ’77 and Marianne Gregory *
Mary Ann ’73 and Ronald Greife *
Susanne Grier
Sandra Grieves
Clark Griffin
Kylie Griguts
Jacque Grimberg
Gerry and Andrea Grimmelsman
Henry Grimmelsman
Emily Grogan
Jennifer Grooms
James Gross
Pete Grosser
Edward and Jeanette Grothaus *
Erin Grove
Jennifer Gruver
Joe Guber-Probst
Evie Guevara
Scott ’99 and Tracie Guise *
Janea Gunn
Tonja Gunn
Kristin Guyer
Duane Haag ‘86
Alyssa Haakenson
Brian Habegger
Joseph Hack
Kate Hackett
Dan Haefner
Phyllis Hafley ’80 *
John ’67 and Norma Hagan *
Dawn Hagedorn ‘11
Gilbert ’68, Ph.D. and Mary Eileen Hageman
John ’83, Ph.D. and Rose Hageman *
Mark Hageman ’10 and Catherine O’Shea ‘10
Hannah Halbig ‘23
H. Dennis ’80 and Joan Halfhill *
Jeff Hall
Marcie Hall
Marianne Hall ‘78
Randy Halm
Maurice ’60 and Margaret ’62 Halpin *
Zach Halusek
Mike Hamann
Britney Hamberg
Lindsey Hambrick
Darlene Hamer
Jamie Hamilton
Jessica Hamilton
Eric Hammer
Jeff Hammer
Michelle Hammer
Charles ’67 and Diane Hammond *
William ’70 and Eileen Hammond *
Chad Hansen
Riley Harber
Dr. Charles ’75 and Teri Hardebeck *
Kate Hardesty
Joshua Hardtke
Chip Hare
Robert ’72 and Cathleen ’72 Hargis
Tyler Harley ’18 *
Donna Harmeyer
Bobby ’05 and Lisa Harper
Chloe Harper
Kelly Harrington
C. Craig ’65 and Judy ’69 Harris *
Craig Harris
Jessica Harris
Johnna Harshbarger
Keith Harshbarger
Bill Hart
Sarah Hart ‘24
Timothy ’80 and Lisa Hart *
Sarah Hartig
Missy Harvey
Janell Hasken
Rita Hasler
Courtney Hatfield
Tonya Hatfield
Wyatt Hatton
Joshua Haunert
David Havill
Denise Havill
Toni Hawkins
Rebecca Hawlish
Matthew Hayas
Heather Hayes
Kenneth and Leslie Hayes
Sherry Hayes
Jared Haynes
Jennifer Haynes
Leigh Hayward
Sheila Heavey
David Heberling
Dan Heck
Barbra Hedger
Mary ’66 and Dr. Kenneth Hehman *
Paul Hehman
Kerrie Heider
Lisa Heiert
John Heis
Niko Heister
Herry Hellings, Jr. ‘70
Dennis ’73 and Gayle ’74 Helmer *
Jennifer Helmes
Melissa Helmes
Timothy Helmes
Robert ’74 and Janette Helms *
Norine Hemphill
Corey Henderson
Jacob ’16 and Jamie ’19 Henderson
Robyn Henning
Brian Henry
Doug Henry
George ’73 and Kathryn ’70 Henry *
Jeremy Hensley
Dave Henson
Melissa Henterly
Ruth Henthorn ’85 *
Missy Heringer
Kelly Hermann
Cheryl Hern
Jorge Hernandez
John, Jr. ’58 and Elizabeth Herold
Brannan Herrington
Scott Herrington
Lacey Hersman
Andrea Hervol
Tracy Herzog *
Tracy Hibbard
Donald and Kara Hicks *
Doris Hicks ’73 *
Gerald ’66 and Christine Higdon *
Keith Hightchew
Sarah Hignite
Matt and Amy Hilderbran
Cheryl Hilen
Katherine Hilen
Debbie Hill
Deborah Hill
Tim Hill
Tom Hill
Ken Hillerich
Kevin Hillerich
Kyle Hillerich
James ’72 and Kathleen Hils *
Jessica Hinds
Ben Hines
Daniel Hines ‘02
Austin Hinkel
Cameron Hinton
Maureen Hinz
Chantrell Hitchcock
Meredith Hitter ’19 *
Mark Hobson ‘21
Louis Hodge ‘61
Ted Hodgson
Barry Hoehn
Beth Hoekzema
Brenda Hoffman
Rose Hoffman ‘66
Tom Hoffman
Matt Hoffmeister
Keith and Kelly Holden
Diana Hollan
Carla Holland
Gary Holland, Jr. ’93 and Heidi Holland ‘94
Martha ’61 and John Holland *
Shelia Hollar
Kristen Hollinger
Brandon Hollopeter
Heather Hollstegge
Marilyn Holstein
Angela Holt
Sarah Holt
Sherri Holterman
Chris Holthaus
John ’58 and Charlene Holtz *
Dave Honhart
Donna Hooper
Randall Hoppe
Donald Hoppenjans *
Aaron Horak
Josh Horn ’10 *
Milt Horner
Eric Horstman
Anthony and Patricia Horton
Ashley Horton
Julie Horton
David Hoskins
Gary Hoskins
Jeremiah Hoskins
Joy Hoskins
Lisa Hoskins
Mason Hoskins
Owen Houdek
Stephen Hougland
Benigno Houser
Kristina Houser *
Rosemarie Houser
Steve Houser
Eric Houston
Amber Howard
Joe Howard
Tamatha Hubbard
Gregory Huber
Lisa Huber
Sherry Huber
Tim Huber
Patricia Huerta
Gregory Huffman
Andrea Huggler
Gregory Hughes
Landon Hughes
Leo Hughes
Rhodella Hughes
Jessica Humbert
Sally Humbert
Bill Hummel
Jeff and Amy Hummel
James Hummeldorf
Tricia ’92 and Robert Humphreys *
Bob and Tara Hunt
Geena Hunt
Joe and Cindy Hunt
Pat Hunt
Maeghan Hunter
Brian Husted
Shawntae Hutcherson
Jerry Hyden
Angelo Iacono
John Iams
Samuel Iden
Julianne Igel
Terionna Inman
Deborah Isenhour
Mary Isenhour
Brittany Isfort
Bridget Ison ‘02
Matthew Ison
Jamie Issis
Bonnie Ivey
Tony Izor
Maggie Jackson
Michelle Jackson
Brenda Jacobs
Carrie Jaeger, Ph.D. *
David Jahnke
Mark Jahnke
Benjamin Jaimes
Gerardo Jaimes
Brian James
Tim James
Lois Jameson ‘65
Mike Jameson
Debra Janakiefski
Edward, Jr. ’73 and Barbara Jasper *
Xenia Jean-Louise
Debra Johnigk
Patti Johnigk
Traci Johnigk
Patrick Johns
Ricardo Johnson II
Alessandro Johnson
Alice Johnson
Barbara Johnson
Ben Johnson
Carl Johnson
Gerard Johnson
Heather Johnson
James Johnson *
Jordan Johnson
Kate Johnson
Landon Johnson
Lawrence Johnson, Jr. *
Linda Johnson
Max Johnson
Roddrick Johnson
Shelthema Johnson
Sophia Johnson
Steve Sr. and Kimberly Johnson *
Thessalonica Jolley
Bryson Jones
Candace Jones
Clayton Jones
Donna Jones ‘91
Hope Jones
Jake Jones
Keilynn Jones
Kevin Jones
Marsha Jones
Meghan Jones
Rhys Jones
Ronald and Grace Jones
Sheila Jones
Theron Jones
Tom Jones
Ashley Jordan
Patricia Jordan
Deanna Joseph
Janet Josken ’73 *
Aaron ’09 and April ’15 Judd *
M. Eileen ’91 and Jerome Junker *
Tonya Justice
Dr. James ’65 and Shawne Kaeser *
Melody Kahmann
Kassidy Kaimann
Brooke Kaiser
Gunner Kalkhoff
Michael Kolkhoff
Adam Kallmeyer
Dave Kamer
Janet Kamerer
Chris Kandra
Evan Kandra ’19 *
Dakota Kay
Nick Kay
Vikki Kay
Daniel Keck ‘08
Amy Keilers
Doug Keith
Floyd and Nicole Keith
Cherie Kelch
Honorable Michelle and Dr. James Keller *
Alecia Kelley
Bryan Kelley
Denise Kelley
Michaelann Kelley
Brian Kelly
Justin Kelly
Kathleen Kelly
Marcella Kelly
Mary Kelly
Nancy Kelly ‘85
Patricia ’80 and Joe Kelly
Michael Keltos
Bobby Kemper
Jennifer Kemper
Carol Kemple
Jim Kemple
Laura Kendall
Keri Kendrick
Thomas Kendrick
Ethan Kennedy ’22 *
John and Christin Kennedy *
Kathleen Kennedy ’58 *
Owen Kennedy ’92 and Mary Burwinkel-Kennedy ’99 *
Robert Kennedy
David Kennett ’13 *
Aline Kenney
Kevin Kent
Fred Kerler
Dillon Kern
Saundra Kesterson
H. Watts Key
Ruthie Khourie
Blake Kibler
Sofie Kibler
Adam Kieft
Douglas and Jennifer King
Heather King
Janet King
Michael and Tresa King
Dionne Kinninger
Eva Kinwel
Tomas Kinwel
Willy Kinwel
Jody ’02 and Ike Kirch *
Ashley Kirkpatrick
Bob Kitchen
Robyn Klare
Paul ’16 and Courtney ’17 Kleier *
Julie Kleinhenz *
Kathy Klenk
Tim and Susie Klenk *
Adam Klever
Judd Klingerman *
David ’96 and Janice Klocke *
Philip ’70 and Donna ’70 Kloenne *
James Klus ’69 *
Jane Knaley
Melissa Knies
Tony Knies
Gabe Knight
Patricia Knight
Judge Executive Kris Knochelmann
William Knoebel ‘85
Michael and Brenda Knollman
Jordan Knudsen
David Koch
Linda Koch
Stephanie Snyder Koch, Ph.D.
Tara Koch
Jeff Koehne
Michael Koenig
Sara Kohler
Nicole Kohnen
Amanda Kolar
John Kolar
Patrick ’14 and Emily ’13 Kolks
Bonnie Koller
Patrick Kollmeier
Kim Kopec
Pete Kopf
Michelle Korte
Peggy Korte
Lucas Kraft
Dan Kramer
David ’60 and Barb Kramer *
David Kramer
Joyce Kramer ’64 *
Mark Kramer
Robert ’69 and Sue Kramer *
Vincent ’88 and Maria Kramer *
Tyler Kratzenberg
Marcia ’80 and Dan Kreke *
Adron Krekeler
Erika Krekeler
Lori ’82 and Dino Kremidas *
Nell Krieg
Allison Kriege
Hallie Kriege
Jacquelyn Kriege ‘60
Mitchell ’87 and Judy Kroell
Elaine Kroger
Barbara Krollmann ’89 *
Marsha Krozek
Thomas and Margaret Krpata *
Gerald ’72 and Karen Duncan Krumpelbeck *
Eric Krumpelman
Kurt and Ann Krumpelman
Laura Kruthoffer ‘95
Reagan Kuehne
Brady Kuhl
Sandra Kuhn
Christopher and Paula Kuhnen
Dwight and Darby Kulbe
Lamar and Angie Kulbe
Melanie Kurzhals
William Kuyper
Kenneth Laake ‘69
Melissa ’99 and Bryan Laake *
PJ Laake
Vincent Labita
Darlene Lachenman
Marcy Lachenman
Colleen Laich
Hauna Laine
Charlotte Laird ‘94
Beth Lake
Michael Lamba
Greg and Jean Lameier *
Steven and Elaine Lameier
Bonnie Lampe
Shelli ’97 and David Lampe
S. Gregor, III and Barbara Lamping *
Paul ’81 and Carolyn ’82 Landers *
Jerome ’67 and Karen Landwehr *
Cameron Lane ’19 *
Natalie Lang
Denise Lantis
Gregory Laplante
Carl Large
Melissa Larson
Kimberly Laughlin
Jane Lavengood
Rob Lavengood
Maleek Lawrence
Thomas Lawrence
Tiffany Lawrence
Joe Lawrie
Judd Lawrie
Karen Lawrie
Wendy Lawrie
Beth Lawson
Clayton Lawson
Eric Lawton
Karen Laymaster
Richard Leach
Joseph Leachman
Michelle Leder
Ben Ledford
Dennis Lehmkuhl *
Sally Leicht
Amye Leifling
Don Leifling
Melissa Leifling
Bryan Leigh
Christina Leigh *
Darrin Leigh
Darryl Leigh
Kraig Leininger
Lorenzo Lelli
Meghan Lemberg
Jeremiah Lemmel
Jeffrey Lense ’85 *
Abigail Leonhard
Mark Leskowyak
Shana Letsinger
Audrey Lewis
Matthew Lewis ‘23
Marshall Liberman ’94 *
Gail Librock
Joseph Lieberman ‘23
Bronwyn Light
Madison Light ’19 *
Patrice Ligon
Martijn Ligtermoet
Eric Lind
Charla Lindbloom
Wendy Lindsay
Chad Lingenfelter
Warren Lipinski
Randall Lipps
Angela Lipscomb
Dylan Lipscomb
Karen Lipscomb
Josh Lisitza
Chris Liter
Costella Little
Erin Little
Wayne Little
Matthew ’96 and Healther Littlefield
Dan Liu
Lynn Livengood
Mary Livingston ’73 *
Luis Lobato
Rickie Locke
Amy Logan
Jessica Logsdon
Nathan Long
Sherri Lonneman
Julianna Lopez
Lisa ’10 and Randy Lorenz
Maribeth Lorenzetti
Emily Louallen
Hunter Louallen
William Loughrey ’75 *
Bresha Love
Lory Love
Staci ’16 and Brent Love *
Kelly Lown
Mary Lucas ’58 *
Michelle Lucas
Stacey Lucas
Therese Lueck ’83, Ph.D. *
Adam Luensman
Beth Luensman
Karen Luensman
Mason Luensman
Nick Luerding
James ’81 and Becky Luersen *
Darlene Luhn
Maggie Luken
Abby Lukens
Donna Lush
Sarah Lutz
Erin Lyga
Michael Lyga
Spencer Lynch
John ’61 and Karen MacAulay
Riley Mack
Cindy Macke
Sarah Mackey
Monica Mackie
David MacKnight *
Joseph Madden
Charles Mahabir
Amanda Mahle
Austin Mahoney *
Ann Malamisuro
Ana Maldonado
Michael Malone
Sam Malone
Taylor Malone ‘23
Peter ’82 and Teresa ’81 Manczyk *
Lauren Mang
Marlene Mang
Terry ’68 and Joanna Mann *
David ’71 and Kathleen ’80 Manning *
Elias Manning
Ray Manning
Tabitha Manning
Tristen Manning
Melissa Mapes
Terry Mapes
Werner Margard
Joseph Marino
Brooke Marinucci
Joseph Marita
Michael Markesbery
Patrice Marks
Jeff Marksberry
Amanda Marsh
Thomas ’68 and Lois Marsh *
Amanda Marshall
Paul Martello
Brian Martin
Chase Martin
Greg Martin
Joseph and Kathleen Martin
Joshua and Camryn Martin *
Kenny Martin
Nolan Martin
Renee Martin
Terry Martin
John ’01 and Catherine ’95 Martini
Marcia Martori
Amy Marvin
Amy Marx
Alicia Marzarella
Jeannette Mascari
Stephen and Jennifer Mason *
Tina Mason
William Mason ‘97
Donna Mather
David ’03 and Kari ’05 Mathews *
Mary Mathews ‘71
Jerry Mattei
Matthew Mattingly ’90 *
Belinda Mattmiller
RoxAnne Maul
Jen Maurmeier
Keith ’82 and Lori Maurmeier
Adam Maxwell
Quinn May
William and Carrie Mayer *
Nicole Mayes
Christine Mayhew
Derek and Lisa Mcadoo
Petrina McAlister
Katy McAtee
Anissa McBreen
Jake McBreen
Sharon McBreen
Derrick McBride
Kimberley McBride
Bradley McCallister
Alyssa McCann
Chris McCarty
Roger McCarty
Levi McCashland
Casey McCauley ’16 *
Jeffrey and Julie McClanahan
Donna ’76 and David McClure *
Douglas ’04 and Shawna ’02 McClure
Chip McCord
Christen McCoy
Dean ’93 and Jean McCoy *
Tyler McCoy
Irene McCracken *
Stacy Mccune
Katharine ’98 and R. Michael McDaniel
Gina McDevitt
Sue McDevitt
Christie McDonald *
Timothy and Elizabeth McDonald
Steve McElroy
William McElroy
Sean McGee
Donna McGeorge
August McGinnis
Frank McGinnis
Diana McGlade
Molly McGlothin
Laura McGovern
Amy McGrath
Dr. Marianne McGrath ’63 *
Michael McHenry
Bennett McIntosh
Don McIntosh ‘94
Scott McIntyre
Thomas McKenna
Lawrence McKenney ‘69
Laura Mckibben
John McKinney
Regina McKinney ‘16
Trent McKinstray
Andrea Mclaren
Mary Ann McLaren
Stacy McLuskie
Bryce McMahon
Kelly McMahon ‘87
John McNally ‘19
Nathan McPeek
Donna McPhillips ’93 *
J. Michael ’69 and Leslie McSorley *
Ralph Meadows
Karen Meece
David Meier ‘94/’98
Dr. John ’71 and Donna ’73 Meier *
Robert Meihaus ’72 *
Zach Meinert
Mark Melford
Lawrence ’57 and Carol Memering *
Melvin ’66 and Judith Memering *
Pamela Mendenhall
Rosalie Menke
Gary ’71 and Kathy Menne *
Darryl ’74 and Carolyn Menning *
Dennis Menning
Joan Menning
Richard Menning
Lily Menssen
Brittany Mention, Ed.D. *
Jill Mergenthal
Ray Mergenthal
Beth Merk
Aloysius ’58 and Patricia Merkle
Shelly Merrett
Christine Merritt
Sandra Mertes
Dale Merz
Sandy Messerly
Debbie Messmer
Kathy Mestheide
Vincent Metcalf ‘20
Nicole Mettling
Trey Metzger
James Meyer
John Meyer
Michael Meyer
Theresa Meyer *
Scott Meyers
Charles Meyn
David Meyn ‘02
Thomas Meyn
Samantha Michaelis
Tom Mierke
Jackie Mikkelson
Teri Milacki
Anna Milburn *
Edward Miles
Alyssa Miller
Amanda Miller
Christopher Miller *
Gerald ’72 and Donna ’71 Miller *
Kristine Miller
Richard Miller ‘82
Tiffany and Cory Miller *
Maggie Mills
James Minnick
Susan Minnick
Kaylynn Mitchell
Ken and Rhonda Mitchell
Maria Mitchell *
Stacey Mitchell
Zach Mizer
Nancy Moats
Marty Moe
Denise Moeller
Amy Moeves
Margaret Mohr
Steven Mohr
William ’73 and Sonia Mohr *
Michael and Kimberly Mohs
Alessandre Mollohan
Timothy Molloy ’68 *
Benjamin Mollozzi ‘08
Aaron Monk ‘11
Carrie Monnin
Heather Monson *
Samantha Montag
Justin Montel
Eric Montgomery
Amy Moore
Brandon Moore
Bryan Moore *
Elise Moore
Jacob Moore ‘23
Timothy ’91 and Marcy Moore *
Adam Morancey
Carrie Morehead
Margie Morehead
Steve Morehead
Norma Moreland
JJ Moriarty
Robert Moriarty
Christopher Morman
Cassidy Morris
Thomas ’73 and Patricia Morris *
Bob Morrison
Jeremy Morrison
Brooke Moser
Ronnie Moton
Dionte Mucker
Barbara ’64 and Ronald Mueller
Jonathan ’08 and Michelle Mueller *
Kathleen Mueller
David Mullen ‘87
Karen Muller
Benjamin and Andrea Mulling
Patrick Mullinger
Sallie Mullinger
Scott Mullinger
Jesse Mullins
Julia Mullins
Mark Mullins
Marco Munoz
Albert and JoAnn Murphy
James Murphy
Jordan Murphy
Kay Murphy
Michael Murray ‘11
Sharyl Murray
Michael Murrie
Stephanie ’97 and Douglas Muzzy
Margaret ’73 and James Myatt *
Nick Myers
Roslynn Myers
Sherrone Myers
Brett Nabb
David Nader
Robert ’13 and Kristi ’02 Nader
Matthew Nance
Shirley Nance
JoAnn Nassano
Jesse ’20 and Melissa Neack *
James and Missie Neal
Mark and Dorothy Neal
Maggie Neanen
Jay Neff
Cat Neiheisel
Destiny Neill
Donna ’71 and Jack Neiser
Bertha Neltner
Gerald Neltner
Kyle ’15 and Katherine ’16 Neltner
Matt Nestheide
Robert Nestheide ’73, Ph.D. and Kathleen Nestheide ‘73
David and Erin Neu
David ’90 and Susan Neuhaus *
Julia Neumeister
Lyna Neville *
Tim Neville
Kathleen Newman
Kelly Newman
Lisa Newsome
Marcia Nichols
Ashley Nicholson
Kelly Nickell
Gary Niederlehner
Greg Nieman
Thomas Nienaber ’67 *
Mario Nocero
Paige Noday ‘17
Eric and Victoria Noel
Cynthia Noggle
Brenda Noll
Kathleen Noonan ‘73
Robin Norton *
Aracely Norvell
Adam Norwell
Andi Norwell
Angela Norwell
Arno Norwell
Christopher and Quincey ’21 Norwell *
Casey Nowak ‘22
Dodjo Nsenga *
Jill Nussel
Beverly ’85 and Theodore Nussman *
Amy Oaks
Zachary Ober
Melanie ’07 and David O’Brien *
Thomas ’78, Ph.D. and Annette O’Brien *
Richard and Linda Ochs *
Angel O’Connell
Brian ’81 and Karen ’86 O’Conner
Thomas ’63 and Karen ’67 O’Conner
Cheri O’Day
Mary Beth Odom ‘19
Michael O’Hara ‘89
Shelley Ohara
Tyler Ohmer
Molly O’Keefe
JP Okuda
Stephen Oldfield
Will Oldham
Joseph Olding ’20 *
Jeanne and Ken Oleynik *
Clifford Oliver
Margaret Oliver
Robyn Olivo
Matt Olson
Krissy Onorato
Mike Orlando
Michael, II ’15 and Brittany Orr *
Amy Osborn
Brady Osborne
Dan Osborne
Joshua ’20 and Lydia Ostertag
Kimi Osting
Megan Osting
Clayton and Nyiesha Otis
David ’74 and Lindsay Otte
Thomas ’75 and Marianne ’75 Otte *
Anthony Otten ’15 *
John ’70 and Kristen Otten *
Thomas Otten ’68 *
Lincoln Ottersbach
Alyssa Overbeck
Adam Owens ‘24
Arthur and Suzanna Owens
Greg and Joyce Owens
Abigail ’18 and Dennis Owings
Ron Owning
Aimee Oyhamburu
Joshua Pacine
Ed Packer
Renee Paff
Jessica Painter
Greg Papajohn
Cameron Pappa
Barb Parker
Terry Parker
Allison Parr
Sabrina Parr
Joseph Parrott
Darian Parsons
Mary Partin
Antonio Pastura
Kim Pastura
Neil Patel
Christina Patrick
Lee Patsel
Y’unique Patterson
Zachary Patterson
Diana Patton
Sandra ’69 and Tom Patton
Shawn Patton
Kenneth ’73 and Cheryl Paul
Keith Paxson
Jason ’15 and Stacy Payne
Roy Payne
Walker, III ’64 and Romana Paynter *
Gary Peace
Mary Peake ‘74
Evan Pearson
Sirena Pearson
Micah Peavley
Mark Peck
Eric Peddenpohl
Scott Peeler
Ernest Peirolo
Diane Pekel
Mark Pelfrey
Daniel Pellman
Amy Pennetti
Dale Pennington
McKenna Pennington
Susanne Pensyl
Linda Pentaudi
Anna Perkins
Bryan Perkins
Sue Perkins
Christopher ’84 and Gail Perrino
Theresa ’18 and John Perrion
Barbara Person
David Peru
David and Jamie Peru
Chris Peters
Lothar Peters
Ken Peterson
Ernie Petri
Kane Petro
Christina Petroze, Ed.D. *
Corina Petty
John ’61 and Rose Pfaff *
Kathy Phibbs
Don Phillips
Elgin Phillips
Jason Phillips
Sherry Phillips
Ronald Piccola ‘62
Josh Piepenburg
Chris and Mary Lisa Pieper *
Meg Pierani
Randall and Michele Pierani
Patrice Pieratt
Alec Pierce
Omarion Pierce
Richard Pierce
Shawn Pierce
Alexander Piero
Robert Pillischafske
Raymond and Diana Pisaneschi *
Michelle Pittman
Elveda Pitts
Daren Pittsley
Ian Pizzuti
Ally Plageman
Virginia Platt ’74 and Daniel Gehres *
Steve Plattner
Maria Pohlabeln
Dave and Ellen Poirier
Matt Policano
Hannah Pollock
Sydney Polster ‘18
Kyle Pomeroy
Thomas Pompei
Josh Poole
Tim Poole
Chris Poore
Alicia Pope
Chris Pope
Mashio Pope
Cheryl Popham
John ’89 and Julie ’89 Popham
Mark ’71 and Susan Popovich
Amanda Portal
Edward Postel
Cathy Poston
Duane Poston
Marc Potts
Noel Poulton
Carleen Powell
Monica Powell
Patricia Powell
Johnny Powers
Chris Pozzuto
Joseph Previte
Nick Prexta
Colleen Pricco
Gary Price ‘77
Kari Price
Talauna Pritchard
Jeremy Pritchett
Kiera Pritchett
Robert Pritchett
John Puckett
Rachel Pugh
James Pulford
Allison Pulskamp
Elizabeth Purcell
Mike Purcell
Tricia Purcell
Trina Purdy
Connie Pyatt
Joseph Qualls ’02, Ph.D. and Denise Qualls ’04 *
Justin Quatman
Josh and Kimberly Quinn
Carlos and Rebecca Quinones
Sofia Quinones
Matthew Raaker
Kathleen Rady
Casey Ragle ‘23
Holly Raines
Rachel Ramsey
Vanesa Rangel
Monte Rankin
Ann ’85 and Donald Ransdell *
Travis and Lisa Ransom
Cindy Rathmann
Adam Rauch ‘14
Betsy Rauch
Nathan Rausch
Christine Rautmann
Justin and Sarah Ray *
Allie Rayburg
Kathy Raymond
Gabby Razzano
Rita ’81 and Carl Rebholz *
Zach and Leighann Rechtin *
Debbie Reckelhoff
Thomas ’83 and Judy Reckers
Matthew and Tracy Record
Gregory Redden
Milton Reed
Noah Reed
Jennifer Rees
Chris and Kim Reeves
Kash Reeves
Nick Reilly
Andrew ’87 and Melanie ’87 Reinersman *
Lisa Reinhard
Christopher Reinstatler
James Reist
William and Julea Remke *
Stephanie Renaker-Jansen and Richard Jansen
David and Jennifer Renner *
Kevin Renshaw *
Julie Resing
Maryloretto ’84 and John Resing *
Dr. Stephen ’69 and Colleen Rettig
Aiden Reverman ‘22
Bob Reynolds
Brady Reynolds ‘21
Brian, Ed.D. and Catherine Reynolds *
Jack Reynolds
Jim Reynolds
Nancy Reynolds
Paul and Gina Reynolds *
Scott and Dawn Reynolds
Zachary Reynolds
Jeanne Rhinehart
Lucy Ribelin
Danielle Rice
Laura Rice
John ’65 and Marilyn ’61 Richardson
Daniel ’76, Ph.D. and Sharon Richter *
Christopher ’10 and Kayla ’11 Rickels *
Gina Rider
John Rider ’18 *
Mark Ridge ‘07
Arlene Riedel *
Dr. Richard ’64 and Nancy Riedel
Leo ’64 Riedinger and Tina Sweeney *
Carol ’79 and Brian Rieger *
Lawrence ’63 and Madelaine Ries *
Rick Ries ’76 *
Karley Riffe
Ken Riffe
Natalea Righthouse
Denise Riley
Sharon Riley
Coach Riordan
Shannan Ritchie
Charles Roach
Meredith Roach
Gage Roark
Kristen Roark
Gina Robbins
Andrew Roberts
Becky Roberts
Jen Roberts
Kameron Roberts
Wayne Roberts
Gregory and Peggy Robinson *
Jayson Robinson
Jerry Robinson
Joyce Robinson
Malcolm Robinson, Ph.D. *
Natalie Robinson
Pam Robinson
Paul Robinson
Tara Robinson
William and Sandy Robinson
Lyla Robison
David Rockwell
Rudolf ’70 and Sally Rodau *
Benjamin Rodriguez
Justin Rodriguez
Betsy Rogers
Jeremy Rogers
Mary Rogers
Cody Roland *
Jen Rolfes
Bob Romack
Martha ’75 and Lawrence Romans *
Tim Romes
William Rooney
Barry Rosen
Joseph Rosen
Kaitlin Rosen
Wendy Rosenberg
Marjorie Rosenberry
Bruce and Yoko Rosenthal *
Carolyn Rosing ’57 *
Brian ’10 and Luciana Ross *
Charles Ross
D. Bruce ’72 and Bettina Ross
Eric and Melissa Ross
Marlee Ross
Sarah Ross
Tony Ross
Cassidy Rossi
Dominic Rossi
Glenn and Renee Rossi
Jack Roth
John Roth ’69 *
Paul ’75, Ph.D. and Constance Roth *
Alyssa Roush
Bobbi Roush
Samuel Rovben
Dana Rowlans
Jeff Roy
Kim Rudisell
John, Jr., Ed.D. and Kathleen Rudnick *
Bernie Rufra
Darlene Rufra
Troy Rufra
Christina Rump
Viviane Rupert
John Rupp
Maddie Rupper
Brian ’00 and Katie Ruschman *
Carolyn Russell
Jason and Julie Russell *
Tony and Pam Russell *
Joshua Rust
Luke Rutterer
Karen Rutz
Shannon Rutz
Sheila Rutz
William and Deborah Saelinger
Jaime Saenz
Jennifer Sager
Sonda Sahley
Dr. Gary Dailes
Vuk Sajlovic ‘24
Carmelita Salim
Jillian Salwach
Stan Salwach
Edwin Sam, Jr.
Joey Samons
Samuel Sampson
Katy Samuels
David Sanabria
Matthew Sander
Beth Sanders
Kelly Sanders
Robert Sanders
Kenton Sandfoss
Lawrence ’72 and Mary Sandfoss *
Mary ’85 and Patrick Sandfoss
Donna Sandhas
Kellen Sandhas
Robert and Patricia Sandhas *
David and Debbie Sandlin *
David and Susan Saner
James Sanfers
Grace Santa
Michael Santiago
Jyoti Saraswat, Ph.D.
Ty Sargent
Cassie Saunders
Crystal Saunders
BJ Sauter
Jeannette Savage
Terry ’83 and Cynthia Saylor *
Jeff Sayre
Noah Sayre ‘20
Melanie Scalf
Drake Scallon
Danielle Scarborough
Erica Scarborough
Frederick Scarborough
George Scarborough
Anna Schack
Tony Schaefer
Emily Schaeffer
Dan Schalck
Sarah Schalnat
John and Denise Schank *
Josie Scharf
Laura Scharf
Kelly Schaub
Lauren Scheller
Lisa Scheper ’01 *
Dr. Charles Schewene ’61 *
Dale Schibi
Stephanie Schickling
Michelle Schlegel
Devon Schleyer
Diane Schleyer
Matthew Schloemer
Kristen Schmidlin
J.B. Schmidt
Jeff Schmidt
Joanne Schmidt
Kenneth ’68 and Janice ’69 Schmidt *
Lauren Schmidt
Thomas Schmidt
Colleen Schmitt
Julie Schmitt
Karli Schmitt
Julie Schmuelling
Adam Schneider ‘18
Darlene Schneider
Erin Schneider
Gregory and Lisa Schneider
Jeffrey ’82 and Autumn Schneider *
Peggy Schneider
Robert ’69 and Jody Schneider
Shaunette Schneider
Thomas ’71 and Dolores Schneider *
David Schnell
Paulette Schnur
Matt Schoborg
Ed Schodowski
Stephen Schodowski
Karie Schoettle
Elizabeth Schonberg
Michelle Schonhift
Kathy Schram
Perry Schram
Dave Schroder
Dakota Schroeder ‘24
Greg ’97 and Meredith Schroeder *
Rob Schroeder
Amy Schubert
Brian Schuck
Dr. Judith Schuerman ’77 and Fred Turk *
Mary Schulcz
William and Amy Schult
Clifford Luke Schulte ’76 *
Judith Schulte ’70 *
Audrey Schultz
Greg Schultz
Hannah Schultz
Jeffrey Schultz
Robert ’56 and Carolyn Schultz
Melissa ’06 and Anthony Schumacher *
Brian Schwalbach
David ’75 and Barbara Schwandner
Andrea Schwartz
Sophie Schwartzenberger
Dan Scollin
Greg Scott
Tom Scott
Diana Seal
Angie Searcy
Patrick and Joann Sedgwick
Sean and Rachel Seebohm
Jason Sefferino
Mark Sefferino
Sharon Sefferino
James ’70 and Beverly Seibert *
Donald Seifert
Rita Seig
Stephen and Sheila Seiter
Sara Seitz
Lisa Senters
Owen ’71 and Sharon ’72 Serey *
Angela Sermons
Rachel Serra
Robbie Sess
Chad Sexton
James Shaffer
Scott Shaffer
Andrea Shanklin
Shannon Shaver
Brian ’05 and Molly ’12 Sheeley
Becky Shelton ‘18
Chase Shelton
Erik Shelton
Jamie Shelton
Mike Sherman
Debbie Sherrod
Ashley Shields
Kenney ’95 and Gena Shields *
Tricia Shields
Dodi Shingler
Janie Shingler
Dixie Shipley
Duane Shipley
Chris Shively
Dawn Shook
Kevin and Allyson Shook
Dennis Shreve
Joseph ’94 and Rhonda ’94 Shriver
Chuck Shroder
Jim Siegel
Gary Siegrist
Richard ’72 and Regina ’72 Siegrist *
Sue Siener
Luis Sierra, Ph.D. *
Emma Simmons
Jennifer Simpson
Jackie Sims
John Sims
Scott and Rebecca Sims
Nehemie Sincoul
Pat and Kim Sinnard *
Robert Sinnard
Thomas and Patricia Sipniewski
Dominic Sitek
Russell Sizemore
Emma Sizer
Skylar and Angela Skrabanek
Jill Slater
Alex Smith
Bill Smith
Candida Smith
Daniel Smith
Elaynea Smith
Erica Smith
Harold Smith, Ph.D. *
Harrison Smith ’16 *
James Smith
Jennifer Smith
Jenny Smith
Jerry Smith
Joey Smith
John ’69 and Marcia Smith
Kaylee Smith
Kim Smith
Kim Smith
Kristian Smith
Marilyn Smith
Marsha Smith ‘87
Megan Smith
Melissa Smith
Patricia Smith
Dr. Paul ’65 and Roberta ’66 Smith *
Peyton Smith
Sandra Smith
Steve Smith
Steve Smith
Tyler Smith
Valerie Smith
Virginia Smith
Cynthia Snide
Kevin Snider
Sharon Snow
Bill Snyder
Christopher Snyder
Julien Snyder
Kristen Snyder
Laura ’10 and William Snyder
Marisa Sobb
Craige and Maria Sohns *
James Solter
Jane Sora
Steve Sorrell
Debbie Sowders
Lacey Sowders
Shane and Dawn Sowders
Billie Spaeth
Dean and Shelia Spangler
John Spangler
Lisa Spangler, Ph.D. *
Ann Sparks
Judy Sparks
Stacie Sparks ’92 and Michael Boemerman
Gail Spence
Linda Spencer
Jeffrey Spiers
Carmen Spiller
Shane and Terri Sproles
Alexander Stacey
Hazel Stamm
Sheila Standokes
John Stapleton, Jr. ‘74
Owen Stark
Monique Steele
Mikal Steers, Jr.
John Stefanik
John ’74 and Linda Steffen *
Mark Steffen
Genna Steffy
Griffin Steffy
Michael Steffy
John Steidle ‘70
Edie Steil
Heather Steil
Donna Steinbach
Brian Steinberg
Lindsay Steinhauer ‘11
Mike Stella
Cassie Stenger
David Stenger ’72 *
Denise Stepaniak
Gary Stephens
Phil Stephenson
Annette Stepney
Robert and Elizabeth Stern *
Nathan Steuber ’98 *
Kelly Stevens
Marion Stevens
Robert ’68 and Kathy Stevie *
Connie Stewart
Paige Stewart
Scott and Suzanne Stewart *
Douglas and Stephanie Stiene
Jacob Stiens ‘20
Adam Stier *
David Stiltner
Christine Stinnett
Scott Stinnett
Gregory Stitzel ‘04
Holly ’15 and Gabriel Stiver *
Joanne Stojack
Betty Stone
William ’65 and Cathy ’73 Stover
Laura Straeffer
Nathaniel Stuckey
Vickie Stuckey
Andrew Sullivan ‘13
Sandy Sullivan
Craig Summers
Kristen Sund
Diane ’78 and Mark Sundrup *
Christine Swank
Kristen Sweat
Scott Sweat
Josh Sweeney
Steve Swisher
Christina Swoll
Tim Sydnor
Sharon Szabo
Michelle Szylakowski
Rebeca Tacy ’85, DBA *
Taylor Anne ‘19/’21 and Kobe Tallon *
Tim Taney
Charles and Joyce Tappan *
Jason Tate ‘15
Connie Taylor
Leon Taylor
Lisa Taylor
Lori Taylor
Susan Taylor
Zachary Taylor, Ph.D. *
Tony Tedesco
Maria Teepe
Scott Teepe
Tara Teepe ‘16
Cynthia ’69 and James Tenoever *
Melissa Teo
Carolyn Terrell
Jake Tewart
Kenneth and Michele Thamann
Bruce Thatcher
Terri Thatcher
William ’72 and Jean Theis *
Chris Theisen
Mark Theissen ’75 *
Donald ’71 and Sharon Thelen *
George ’58 and Judith Thelen
Aaron Theriot
Ethan Theriot
Jason and Stephanie Theriot
Kate Thiel
Marilyn ’86 and William Thiemann *
Bardley Thoma ‘06
Vincent and Erin Thoma
Chris Thomas
Derek Thomas
Greg Thomas
Julie Thomas
Laurie Thomas
Michael Thomas
Sandi Thomas
Debra Thompson
Janet Thompson
Mark Thompson
Michele Thompson
Nicholena Thompson
Scott Thompson *
Seth Thompson
Shelby Thompson
Christopher, M.D. and Jennifer Thon
Sean Tierney
Amy Tilley
Lexi Tillman
Dixie Timmerman
Phyllis Timperman ’88 *
Adam Tissandier
Jennifer Todd
Blagoj and Menka Todorovski
Judith Toebben
Betty Tognozzi
Brad Tolle
Gail Toon
Hannah Toon
John and Marilyn Torbeck
Sue Toth *
Keiosha Townsend
Rick Townsend
Gayle ’84 and Daniel Trame *
Alexis Trang
Robert ’76 and Marianne Tranter *
Burr Travis
Dan Trenkamp
Lynn Trent
Linda ’80 and Randy Tretter *
Scott and Tonya Troehler
Martin Trondle
Shayna Trosper
Rosa Trost
Martine Tshiunza
Cameron Tucker
Joe Tucker
Kevin Tuemler
Joan Tuggle *
Vernon Tullis
Callen Turnbull
Amber Turner
Etta Turner
Matt and Debra Turner
Michael Turner
Betty Tuttle
Matt Tuttle
Morgan Twyford
Spencer Twyford
Timothy Tye
Bonnie Tyler
Paul ’13 and Kristy ’13 Uhl
Stephanie Uhrich
Brent Ullery
Patricia Ulrich
Yolanda Urbina
Jerylann Vaden
Russell and Victoria Vaden
TaNedra Vaden
Peyton Van Horn ‘21
Jennifer Van Kirk
Jesskia van Loon
Sjoerd van Loon
Rob VanderRoest
Sara Vandertoll
Heather Vandesa
Erin Vanover
Cordell Vaske
Christian Vaughan
Lori Vaughn
Robert Venable ’65 *
Shannon Ventura
Catherine Verdes
Luke Verst
Rosanne ’70 and Joseph Vetter
Joyce Vidic
Richard Vidic
Robyn Vidic
Katrena Villarreal
Brannan Villee
Jennifer Vinson
Kelly Viox
Vicki Viox
Pamela Vissing
Elena ’16 and Justin Vogel *
Honeylyn Vogelpohl
Jacob Vogelpohl
Cynthia ’79 and Steve Vogelsang
Gregory ’75 and Christy Vogelsang *
Alex Vohland
Melvin ’71 and Judith Volle
Kaitlin Vollet Martin
Joan Volpenhein
Mark and Patricia Volpenhein
Sam Volpenhein
Joseph, Jr. ’67 and Holly Von Lehman
Kevin ’82 and Michelle ’83 Von Luehrte *
Macara Vonderahe ‘22
William ’08 and Amber Voorhees
Ruth Voorhees-Shumaker
Blair Vorbeck
Dana Voss
Morgan Wachendorf
John ’67 and Miriam Wadsworth *
Pam Wagenbach
John Wagner ‘83
Scott Wahl
George ’79 and Mary Ann Wainscott *
Nathan Wainscott
Dawn Waldmann
Brenda Waldron
Shelba Waldron
Alexa Walker
Evon Walker
Marquis Walker *
Takisha Walker
Susan Wallace
Amanda Walters
Lee Walz
Melissa Wanger
Jason Ward
Nancy Ward
Melissa Ward-Brown
Ryan Ware
Gerald Warmack
Dylan Warner
Jennifer Warner
Amy Warren
Harleigh Warren
Marlon Waters
Marvin Waters
Dwyane Watson
Sue Watoson
Carolyn Watts
Angie Waugh
Cindy Wayman
Jennifer Weaver
Lindy Webb
Matthew Webster
Dan Wefer
Butch and Cindy Wehrle
PJ Weidner
Greg and Teresa Weigel *
Amy Weil
Ben Weil
Chad Weil
Joseph ’79 and Margaret Weil *
Samantha Weimer
James Weingart *
Peter ’77 and Barbara ’79 Weisenberger
Matthew Weissman
Amy Welch
Amanda Wells
Jack Wells *
Karen Wells
Lisa Wentworth
Steve Wenzel
Dalen Wess
Rob Wessel
Barbara Westendorf ’75 *
Melissa Westendorf
Haven Westmoreland
Lemuel Weyer ‘17
Justin Wharton
Cheryl Wheatley *
Carol Wheeler
Jennifer Wheeler
Mary Ellen ’74 and Robert Whelan *
Allison White
Daryll and Taylor White
Jolene White
Marqui White
Terry White
William ’64 and Lucille ’64 White
Nicole Whitley
Michelle Whitlock
Andrea Whitlow
Kevin Whitmer
Dalton Whittaker
Arthur Whittington
Zach Whittington
Linda Whitworth
Marc and Kelsey Wicher *
Penny ’81 and Bill Wichman
Michael Widdis ’73 *
Julie Wiebe
Clara Wieland
Kristi Wieland
Vikki Wiersma
Jeana Wiesman
Karen Wiesman
Lilly Wiesman
Sarah Wiggins
Paul Wilbers ‘55
Carole ’71 and Donald Willen *
Alex Willenborg
Christine Williams
Cindy Williams
Connie Williams
Craig Williams
Eric Williams
George Williams
Mary ’59 and William Williams
Molly Williams
Spenser Williams
Sue Williams
Tim Williams
Linda Willig
Cameron Wilson
Christopher ’88 and Cathy Wilson
Ian Wilson
Jan Wilson
Ann Winebrenner
Laurie ’82 and James Winkler *
Teresa ’84 and Scott Winkler
Catherine Wischer *
Emily Wisman ‘23
Marianne Withus
Mark ’85 and Nancy Witschger
Mary Witschger ’84 *
Katie Wittich
Robert and Patricia Woelfel
Gregory Wolber
Patricia Wolber
Steve Wolf
Mya Wolfe
Dr. H. Anthony ’63 and Maureen Woltermann *
Maron Womack
Peter Wong
Michaele Woodhouse
Nicole Woods
Susan Woods ‘96
Rolanda Woolfork
Trenton Worden
Summer Worful
Kim Work
Leisha Workman
Emily Wortham
Austin Worthington
Brian Wright
Ian Wright
Jeannette Wright
Michael and Julie Wright
Samuel Wright and Tracy Weldon *
Steve Wright
Victoria Wright
Britta Wulfeck
Laverne Wullenweber
Richard Wullenweber
Larry ’73 and Nancy Wurtz
Jason ’03 and Jessica ’02 Yaeger *
Matthew Yagger
Joel Yates
Ryan Yates
Sherri Yates
Dan Yeager
Ron Yeager
Tanner Yenter ’21 *
Melissa York
Bryan Young
Chris Young
Jeff Young
Lori Young
Rosemary ’72 and John Young
Kennedy Yurt
Thomas and Kelly Yurt *
Zachary Yurt
Sabine Zacate *
Zion Zach
Luke Zajac ‘19
Rosie Zappasodi
Jenny Zehring *
Steven Zeil ‘77
Dan Zeiser
Charlene Zembrodt ’74 *
Kristin Zepf
Meggie Zerhusen
Ray and Rita Zerhusen
Frank Ziebel
Charles ’11, Ph.D. and Aimee ’10 Zimmer *
David ’74 and Frances Zimmerman
Bradley Zink *
Susan Zink
Christopher Zureick
Katie Zuziak
Heidi Zwick
Nancy Zwick
Organization, Foundation and Corporate Giving
Andrew Norwell Foundation
Atlas Home Fitness
Bill Finke & Sons, Inc. *
Campus Maps
Cohen, Weiss and Simon LLP
Crone’s Auto Body
Ernst & Young *
Drug Shoppe
GBA Mobile Detailing
Horner Hill Farm *
John Labmeier Attorney
KCD, Inc.
Kendrick Moving & Storage
Listerman’s Groundskeeping
Lovins Insurance Agency
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management *
Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
Parker Concrete, Inc.
Penn Station
R.J. Wiesman Builders, Inc.
Resing Building Services
Smith & Jolly Landscape & Design, Inc.
The Matrix Companies *
Thirty-Eight Ins., LLC
Tin Cup Golf
Veid & Veid, CPA’s
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