Faculty Notes – Summer 2015
Kudos to TMC faculty on their accolades, presentations, and published works:
Dr. Larry Boehm, professor, psychology, presented his paper “Family disruption has long-term consequences for life satisfaction” at the 27th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, held in New York. The research examined the relationship between materialistic values, family structure, relationship security, and life satisfaction 13 years after family separation. Participants from disrupted families reported significantly less social support, higher levels of materialism, lower life satisfaction, and less meaning in their lives.
Dr. John Cimprich, professor, history, spoke on “The Interaction between Runaway Slaves and Northern Reformers during the American Civil War” in June 2015 for the Ramage Museum lecture series in Fort Wright, Ky. Dr. Cimprich has retired from Thomas More College with the rank of Professor Emeritus.
Dr. Florence Dwyer, associate professor, foreign languages, presented “De l’existentialisme athée de Sartre à l’existentialisme chrétien d’Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt: Etude comparative de Huis Clos de Sartre et de L’Hôtel des Deux Mondes de Schmitt” at the KFLC, The Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference at the University of Kentucky, on April 2015.
Dr. Rex B. Easley, professor, English, was an invited reader of fiction – two short stories, Escape and Bloodlines – at the Kentucky Philological Association conference in January, 2015.
Dr. Jodie N. Mader, associate professor, history, published in June 2015 an article reviewing two books for History: Review of New Books. Her review assessed two recent works on Zimbabwe and the Zulus of South Africa.
Dr. Eddie Oestreicher, associate professor, business administration, has been selected to serve on the Board of Directors for the Children’s Law Center located in Covington, KY.
Dr. Jack Rudnick, Jr., associate professor of business administration, published two articles in Medical News: The Business of Healthcare, which covers the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The first, in June 2015, was “Elder Abuse and Neglect: Risk Factors, Prevention, and Reporting Abuse.” The second publication was in August, 2015, entitled “David Among Goliaths: Specialty Groups Strive to Sustain Independence Amongst Large Health Systems.” Dr. Rudnick has also been selected as an international reviewing editor for the British Journal of Medicine’s BJC Open Journal based in London, England. The review topic is “Forensic Nursing : Competencies for Caregivers Suspecting Elder Abuse and Neglect.”
Dr. John T. Spence, associate professor, political science, contributed a chapter focusing on Covington’s political history from 1930 (adoption of council-manager governance) to the present for Gateway City: Covington, Kentucky 1815-2015 (pages 328-343) published by Clerisy Press in 2015, which celebrates the city’s 200th birthday, edited by Paul A. Tenkotte, James C. Claypool, and David E. Schroeder (2015). Professor Spence also participated in the first faculty exchange with TMC’s sister-institution Mary Immaculate College in Limerick, Ireland, for two weeks in April teaching modules in the Geography Department for two classes: “Urban Geography” taught by Dr. Des McCafferty (Dr. Spence presented a discussion of American city development) and “Development Geography” taught by Dr. Brendan O’Keeffe (Dr. Spence presented a discussion of American development policy in Latin America). In addition, Dr. Spence met with students to discuss integrating a semester of their education at Thomas More College through the student exchange program.
Dr. Sherry Cook Stanforth, professor, English, wrote the article “Words as Action: Making a Literary Difference Beyond Classroom Walls” for the Urban Appalachian Community Coalition blog (uacvoice.org) in June 2015. As a result the Coalition featured creative writing by award-winning students Courtney Neltner, Maria Syfert and Tony Otten from Words 2015. Click here to read their entries.
Dr. Dustin Swanson, assistant professor, biological sciences published the following article with colleagues this past semester: Schuh, R., P. Štys, G. Cassis., M. Lehnert, D. Swanson, and T. Bruce. 2015. “New genera and species of Plokiophilidae from Australia, Fiji, and Southeast Asia,” with a revised classification of the family (Insecta: Heteroptera: Cimicoidea). American Museum Novitates, no. 3825, 22 pp. Dr. Swanson also published an article with M.W. Turnbull in 2014: Molecular identification of bloodmeals from Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in the Southeastern U.S.A. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 116(3): 354-357.
Mr. Andrew Winner, adjunct faculty, music, was selected to teach in the Kentucky Governor’s Scholar Program at the Morehead University campus for summer 2015.
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