Biology Field Station summer interns get a behind-the-scenes tour of the Newport Aquarium and discuss joint research projects for the coming year.
Ohio River interns with the night’s catch of silver carp, an invasive fish species from Asia. Front (from left): Mitchell Kriege, Emily Richardson, Amanda Smith, and Kristen Slodysko. Back (from left): Rachel Kaiser and Lucas Corbin.
Ohio River intern Lucas Corbin, displays a five-foot long paddlefish caught in the nets near Moscow, Ohio. Paddlefish are a rare species recently found to be making a comeback due to the improvements in Ohio River water quality.
Biology Field Station intern Mitchell Kriege (left) assists Dr. Hill and Jolene Hannah from the Newport Aquarium in collecting tissue samples from stingrays, as interns Kristen Slodysko and Katie Hagedorn observe and document the process.
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